  Win Friends and Influencing People like most business and life…


Win Friends and Influencing People like most business and life situations, is about developing and maintaining relationships.  This is easier in like cultures and common understandings, but if you need to work with someone from another country or culture – how would you win them over or even influence them in decisions.  Utilized the document handed out in class on Carnegie: How to Win Friends & Influence People Cheat Sheet, along with watching the Audio book Video.  From this material, decide which area of focus to influence others would be applied to conduct the following.

For this assignment:

Choose a non-U.S. country or region of the world with which you would like to develop a business or product.
Define and outline the details on the development of the business/product and the resources needed, facilities, government support and county details/restrictions.
Define the influences you will need: Government, Local, and Personal and so forth…
Define the goal of this relationships between each entity (influence) –

Please help documented business proposal discussing how you would use the principles and ideas of Win Friends to achieve that goal and build the business. (Making sure it includes everything stated so in the end it is probably like 4-ish pages, I plan on using this as a guide for my own project)

Discuss who you would you meet and how they would influence the development of the business? 

For Example: 

Business Partners
Potential or staffed employees…etc.

Would the meeting time and promptness expectations be different from the United States verse say Japan or Latin America?  How different are the culture and traditions in the areas discussed above?  

In addition to citing specific sections from Win Friends, please cite at least two other professional resources using either format MLA/APA Signature assignment paper. 

Grading will be based on application of your ideas to Win Friends, along with current business project layout and practices.  Identify your research, professional use of language, originality and application of ideas to understand the difference in how you would put this together with a base line of the U.S. Business Culture.   Most important – Breath, have fun and take the time to challenge yourself! 

I look forward to seeing how you will change the world, influence people and win friends in another culture.


Signature Assignment Rubric – Intro to International Business –

Signature Assignments rubrics to assess our Gen Ed and Global programs.   

The complete rubric is below: 


Exceeds Expectations 








Does Not Meet Expectations 


Learn to Learn:  
Process of Learning  Generates and applies appropriate learning strategies/processes that lead to successful performance.  Identifies and applies appropriate learning strategies/processes that lead to successful performance.   

Learn to Learn: 

Reflection on Learning 

Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) in depth, analyzing meaning and indicating a broader perspective about educational or life events.  Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) with some depth, revealing meaning or indicating a somewhat broader perspective about educational or life events.   
Make Connections: 
Connects academic knowledge with real world experience  Synthesizes course concepts or theories with real world experiences (one’s own or others’).       Connects course concepts or theories to real world experiences (one’s own or others’).       
Make Connections: 
Connects academic knowledge across perspectives  Synthesizes course concepts or theories across multiple academic perspectives.    Connects course concepts or theories across multiple academic perspectives.     
Solve Problems:  
Define the problem  Create or identify a non-routine or unique problem statement or research question.    Identify a problem statement or research question.     
Solve Problems:  
Explain possible  solution or solutions  Create multiple possible solutions/methods based on a general understanding of content, evidence and/or contextual factors.    Identify a possible solution/method based on a general understanding of content, evidence and/or contextual factors.     
Solve Problems:   
Analyze outcomes  Analyze possible results and implications to determine the viability of the solutions.    Interpret possible results to determine the viability of the solution.     
Creative Thinking: 
Innovative Thinking  Extend or go beyond discipline specific knowledge in a unique interpretation, application, or format.    Incorporate a new approach to discipline specific knowledge in an uncommon interpretation, application, or format.      
Creative Thinking: 
Analyze creative processes and works  Evaluate, critique, or interpret creative processes, techniques or works (e.g. literature, performing arts, art, media, etc.).    Classify, compare, or contrast creative processes, techniques or works (e.g. literature, performing arts, art, media, etc.).    
Reason Ethically: 
Examine ethical 
issues   Provide strong detailed pros and cons for a discipline specific issue that has ethical considerations.      Describe the pros and cons for a discipline specific issue that has ethical considerations.    

Reason Ethically: 

Build an ethical argument 

Logically build an ethical argument for your position using at least one ethical orientation.  Analyze opposing viewpoints and evaluate the assumptions and implications of the chosen position.  State a position on the discipline specific issue using at least one ethical orientation and address opposing viewpoints.    
Global Citizenship: 
Identify origins   Analyze the origins and content of attitudes, beliefs, and/or behaviors in one’s own culture and in that of others.    Explain the origins and content of attitudes, beliefs, and/or behaviors in one’s own culture and in that of others.     
Global Citizenship: 
Recognize interconnectedness   Analyzes the interconnectedness and consequences of individual, community, and societal choices.   Identifies the interconnectedness and consequences of individual, community, and societal choices.   

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