MegaProton10791 What is the next era of leadership? Reference the evolution of eras…What is the next era of leadership? Reference the evolution of eras of one to four.Brief discussion, three to four sentences with references to material in Ch. 1Apply critical thinking and scholarly understandingWhich theory or model best considers leadership based upon the “followers”?three to four sentences.Which Contingency Theory do you feel is most valid and explain why?three to four sentences. Make a scholarly argument of your position.Path Goal theory describes 4 leadership styles. Which style would be the most effective for me to utilize for student learning from this course. Explain your rational and support your position. three to four sentences. SOURCE: Daft, R. L., (2022). The Leadership Experience, 8th. Cengage Learning Stamford, CT.Image transcription text1-1a. Defining Leadership Leadership studies are an evolvingdiscipline, and the concept of leadership will continue to develop.For the purpose of this book, we will focus on a single … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIOUS PAG E )efining Leadership 1-1b. Emergent Leadership Usingthis de?nition of leadership makes clear that leadership can comefrom anyone. Emergent leadership, also called informa… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text< PREVIOUS PAGE 1-1a. Defining Leadership Do not wait for aformal leader position to start practicing leadership. Identify rightnow a need or opportunity for informal leadership wit... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text1-3. How Leadership Differs from Management Management canbe defined as the attainment of organizational goals in aneffective and efficient manner through planning, orga... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text1-4a. Historical Overview of Major Approaches The variousleadership theories can be categorized into six basic approaches,each of which is briefly described in this section. Many... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text1-4b. A Model of Leadership Evolution Exhibit 1.4 provides aframework for examining the evolution of leadership from theearly Great Man theories to today's relational theorie... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text'AGE Leadership Bra 1 This era may be conceptualized aspre-industrial and pre-bureaucratic. Most organizations weresmall and were run by a single individual who many ti... Show more... Show moreImage transcription textThe rational manager was well-suited to a stable environment.The behavior and contingency theories worked here becauseleaders could analyze their situation, develop careful p... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text... ........ r u-..- Enter the digital, mobile, social»media age. It seemsthat everything is changing and changing fast. Era 4 representsenlightened leadership, which means giving up control... Show more... Show moreImage transcription textVIOUS PAGE iter 2. Traits, Behaviors, and Relationships 2-1. The'll'alt Approacn Traits are the distinguishing personalcharacteristics of a leader, such as intelligence, humilit... Show more... Show moreImage transcription textIn recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest inexamining leadership traits. Studies have examined a wide rangeof traits and characteristics and how they in?uence lea... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text2-1a. Optimism and Self-Con?dence "'What I've really learnedover time is that optimism is a very, very important part ofleadership... People don't like to follow pessimists. am ... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text2-113. Honesty and Integrity Effective leaders are ethical leaders.One aspect of being an ethical leader is being honest withfollowers, customers, shareholders, and the public, an... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text2-2. Know Your Strengths Some people tend to think a leadershould have a complete set of skills, characteristics, and abilitiesto handle any problem, challenge, or opportunity that ... Show more... Show moreImage transcription textA strength arises from a natural talent that has been supportedand reinforced with knowledge and skills. 0 Talents can bethought of as innate traits and naturally recurring patt... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text3-1. The Contingency Approach The failure to find universalleader traits or behaviors that would always determine effectiveleadership led researchers in a new direction. Althoug... Show more... Show moreImage transcription textU E L ebooksicenreadercom % C (T'l + u Course Hero 9 Ebooks »Cengage eReader _ eTextbook: Leadership Experience ® B O IQuickTour Print Search Annotations Accessibility Boo... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text3-2a. Leader Style According to the situational theory, a leadercan adopt one of four leadership styles, based on a combination ofrelationship (concern for people) and task (concern for... Show more... Show moreImage transcription textASK BEHAVIOR (Guidance) FOLLOWER READINESS VERYHIGH HIGH MODERATE LOW R4 R3 R1 Able and Able butUnable but Unable and Willing Unwilling willing Unwil... Show more... Show moreImage transcription text3-3a. Leadership Style The cornerstone of Fiedler's theory is theextent to which the leader's style is relationship- oriented ortask-oriented. A relationship-oriented leader is concer... Show more... Show moreImage transcription textopen guarded quarrelsome harmonious efficient inefficientself-assured hesitant gloomy cheerful If the leader describes theleast preferred coworker using positive concepts, the l... Show more... Show moreImage transcription texti xpenence Questions Questions Chapter 3. ContingencyApproaches to Leadership 3-'l . The Contingency Approach 3-2.Hersey and Blancha rd's Situational Theory 3-2a. Lead... Show more... Show more BusinessBusiness - Other