What considerations should decision makers keep in mind or…
What considerations should decision makers keep in mind or prioritize when components of the triple bottom line don’t agree—for example, when an environmentally beneficial decision may negatively affect profit, or the reverse?
Which approach that your peers suggested in their initial posts do you feel would be the most effective, and why?

1) Farm-to-table principles are based on sourcing ingredients directly from local farms and producers and serving them in a way that highlights their freshness and quality. The supermarket chain could incorporate farm-to-table principles while still meeting consumer demands by implementing a hybrid approach. This approach involves sourcing local and non-local produce to ensure customers can access a wide range of products all year. “Delivery can be a complicated affair, as it happens. On average, American metropolitan areas grow or raise less than 2% of the food that they consume, farm-to-table aside.” (How farm-to-table really works 2016). Local produce can be purchased directly from small family farms that use sustainable practices. This would help to support the local economy, reduce the environmental impact caused by long-distance transportation, and ensure that customers have access to fresh, high-quality produce. Non-local produce can be purchased from larger farms that use modern technology to grow to produce year-round. This process would help ensure that customers can access a wide range of products all year, even when certain products are not in season locally. 

The benefits of incorporating farm-to-table principles into the grocery chain’s supply chain include Supporting the local economy. By sourcing produce from local family farms, the supermarket can support the local economy and help to keep small family farms in business. Providing fresher, higher-quality produce: By sourcing locally, the supermarket can ensure that customers can access fresher, higher-quality produce.

The risks associated with incorporating farm-to-table principles into the grocery chain’s supply chain include reduced variety. Sourcing locally may result in reduced variety, as certain products may not be available locally during certain times of the year. In addition, sourcing produce locally may result in supply chain disruptions, as local farms may be more susceptible to weather-related events or other disruptions that could impact their ability to supply produce.

To implement this initiative, the supermarket must gather data on local farms, including what products they grow, their farming practices, and their production capacity. Surveys or other feedback mechanisms can gather customer opinions on the quality and freshness of the supermarket’s products. This can help identify areas for improvement and provide valuable insights into customer preferences. In addition, the COO must determine whether the environmental benefits of sourcing produce locally outweigh the potential supply chain disruptions.


How farm-to-table really works. SupplyChainX. (2016, April 18). Retrieved March 18, 2023, from




2) One way the supermarket chain could incorporate farm-to-table principles is by supporting local farms that use sustainable practices while also outsourcing produce that is not local. This gives a wide variety to customers while also supporting local farms. A second way is to create sales relationship with the food producer on the farms. This ensures that you buy the food directly from them with no third-party involvement. 


Some of the benefits are that the food will be fresh with no additives, it is environmentally friendly, and consumers will be able to know where the product comes from and how it is made. This supports the local economy and ensures the food is high quality. Risks could be having to collect data and establish inventory needed, higher costs to carry the product, local weather could influence the quantity produced, and there may not be as much of a variety at certain times of the year. 

Data from the farms that needs to be collected is what they grow, the capacity they can grow, and their practices to ensure they are a sustainable business. There also needs to be a look at costs to ensure that it is still beneficial for the business to source locally. The supermarket and the farms need to be in constant communication to ensure the quality of the products is met as well as the delivery of them. 


For me, the factors that would determine supporting farm to table principles are delivery, quality, and compliance. I want to ensure that the prodcuts are being delivered when it is agreed upon so that the store does not run out of inventory. I would also want high quality, especially coming from a local farm with a sustainable practice. Most customers are going to buy products locally first before they buy from an outsourced place. Lastly, I would look for compliance. I want to ensure that the farms are operating safely from both a people and environmental standpoint. This shows that the farm cares about what they are growing and the people that work for them. 


Soomo Learning. (2020). People, planet, and profit.