Topic Emotional intelligence (EI) is crucial for retail business…


Emotional intelligence (EI) is crucial for retail business executives to navigate significant organizational change effectively. Organizations have lost 7% of their annual revenue since 2020 when they fail to embrace change. Leaders must act as catalysts for change by inspiring and motivating their teams to initiate and implement organizational changes. EI involves an openness to new ideas, acceptance of learning, and the ability to take calculated risks. Leaders must cope with stress and uncertainty, maintain a positive attitude, and remain focused on the organization’s vision despite differences. Organizational success depends on its ability to adapt to change, as organizations that do not change leadership practices are likely to experience high turnover rates, corporate growth, and unethical work practices, ultimately leading to adverse workplace events.


The general problem of practice is that organizations struggle to adapt to changes in their working environment, leading to failure to meet strategic goals. A culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement is essential for leaders to ensure their organizations remain competitive in the future. Organizations must change their procedures, structure, and culture to adapt, which are laborious, time-consuming, and expensive.

The gap in practice is that retail business leaders need more EI to deal with complex organizational changes, necessitating interventions to enhance their leadership abilities. EI leaders are resilient, motivated, unlikely to burn out, and have better social interactions and fewer workplace conflicts. Interventions and strategies are necessary to enhance the strength of leaders within organizations, bridging the gap and improving organizational performance during times of change. This qualitative inquiry aims to explore the perspectives of U.S. retail business executives regarding strategies to improve their emotional intelligence (EI) for effectively navigating complex organizational change, improving employee performance and engagement. EI is the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods, suspend judgment, pursue goals, understand emotional makeup, treat people according to their reactions, build rapport, self-confidence, realistic self-evaluation, humor, trustworthiness, openness to change, drive to achieve, optimism, organizational commitment, and expertise in developing and retaining talent.


Digital transformation is a company’s change that combines digital technologies, while EI is the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods, suspend judgment, pursue goals, understand emotional makeup, treat people according to their reactions, build rapport, self-confidence, realistic self-evaluation, humor, trustworthiness, openness to change, drive to achieve, optimism, organizational commitment, and expertise in developing and retaining talent. Employee disengagement is job unhappiness that leads to increased involvement with the organization, a culture directly influenced by leadership, not creating a safe environment, and employees needing more motivation.


Organizational change is modifying structural elements to address operational costs, productivity, and service quality deficiencies, and its success requires honesty and buy-in. This project aims to assist business leaders in navigating complex changes through EI, providing critical insights, tools, and strategies to help them better manage and understand their teams.

The research provides an opportunity to identify and recognize the concept of EI in the workplace and leverage the idea and application to create a competitive advantage. EI encourages leaders to balance rational and emotional decision-making, leading to more effective and successful change initiatives. Combining applied frameworks, emotional intelligence competencies, and the theory of centered leadership can help leaders navigate change confidently and create a more positive and productive work environment. The applied framework’s core components include self-awareness/meaning, self-regulation/managing energy, social skills/engaging, empathy/connecting, and motivation/positive framing. Emotional intelligence helps leaders inspire, motivate, and comprehend their teams, enhances resilience, and fosters trust, respect, understanding, and collaboration, which improves decision-making, productivity, and creativity in the workplace.


The project aims to address the gap in practice for business leaders who need EI to navigate complex organizational changes, increase employee engagement and performance, and achieve strategic objectives. A qualitative capstone inquiry might provide leaders with data and resources to answer the how and why of implementing EI to enhance embracing change at work. By investigating the relationship between EI and embracing change, leaders can better understand how to optimize their workplace environments and foster creativity and innovation.


The research will use semi-structured interviews to collect in-depth information from participants regarding strategies and techniques for developing emotional intelligence in leadership regarding change management in retail. Qualitative interviews will be conducted with retail leaders from various organization channels to understand their perspectives on strategies and practices for developing EI and navigating organizational change effectively. Thematic analysis will be used after IRB approval to analyze the data and identify themes related to individual qualities and competencies.


Lack of EI among retail business executives during considerable organizational change hinders employee performance and disengagement. Refusing to change costs companies 7% of their yearly revenues. Leaders must act as change catalysts by encouraging and motivating their employees to propose and carry out organizational changes. Emotional intelligence includes the capacity to take calculated risks, embrace learning, and be open to new ideas. Leaders must remain optimistic, focus on the organization’s vision, and manage stress and uncertainty of change to ensure company performance.

This study investigates the perspectives of successful retail leadership roles on organizational transformation tactics and procedures. Semi-structured interviews will gather information on participants’ methods and practices for enhancing Employee Engagement and Organizational Change (EI). The findings will help leaders make better decisions, understand their teams, and be more productive in a changing environment. By leveraging EI, retail executives can increase employee engagement and productivity. The study may also show retail businesses how EI can be profitable and productive by investing in leadership development and communities of practice.





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2.4.1 Previous Scholarly Efforts to Address the Problem


Open with a two-to-three sentence introduction to orient the reader to what will be presented in 2.4.1. Follow with a synthesized review of the previous scholarly literature (more than 5 years old) to expose previous scholarly efforts to address the problem. Close out 2.4.1. with a two-to-three sentence concluding statement to address the problem and gap in practice to justify the basis and need for the project. 



Ensure the review remains in alignment with your topic and specific problem within your specialization. 

Consider the following as you develop content: 

• Introduction 

• What scholarly researchers in the literature discussed the problem in the past?

 • How has the problem been addressed in the past by scholarly researchers? 

• What were the degrees of success or failure in overcoming the problem? 

• What were the areas of agreement, disagreement, and conflicting positions of scholarly researchers previously addressing the business problem? 

How are they similar? 

How are they different? • 

What data collection techniques have been used previously? •

 What data collection instruments have been used previously? • 

What were the results? • 



2.4.2 Current Scholarly Efforts to Address the Problem


 Open with a two-to-three sentence introduction to orient the reader to what will be presented in 2.4.2. Follow with a synthesized review of the current scholarly literature (wi