This is my task 3 Methodology of BUSI 885 instructor feedback: …

This is my task 3 Methodology of BUSI 885 instructor feedback: 

“First, make sure you include the required sentence below. Next, make sure you follow the instructions in the 2nd paragraph below. Revise and resubmit . Discussion of Methodology: Begin with a theme sentence: “This study will be conducted with a XXXXX design using XXXXX method(s) specifically, a XXXXX design will be used”. Provide multiple citations from multiple authors to support factual assertions about the function of the design. Reference your problem statement and research questions in demonstrating why this is the correct methodology and how it fits with your research paradigm.”

can you help me implement this feedback on the following assignment: as my instructor recommended and also add APA style peer reviewed journals with assertion information published within the last five years asper my instructor recommendation along with intext citations and also added to the reference section, and also implement the part of my instructor feedback: “Discussion of Methodology: Begin with a theme sentence: “This study will be conducted with a XXXXX design using XXXXX method(s) specifically, a XXXXX design will be used”. Provide multiple citations from multiple authors to support factual assertions about the function of the design. Reference your problem statement and research questions in demonstrating why this is the correct methodology and how it fits with your research paradigm.” I provided my assignment to implement my instructor feedback, but I also provided an example of some one elses’s work that you can read and get an idea of what needs to be done (ONLY).

here is my assignment:  

Cognate: Strategic Management
Research Project Track: ADRP Project Track
Research Paradigm: Constructivism
Planned Research Design: Flexible Design using Single Case Study
Proposed Topic: Lack of Employee Training Impact on The United States Manufacturing Industry
Task 3: Methodology

Task 3 Methodology


Task 3 Methodology

This study will be conducted with a flexible design using qualitative methods specifically, a single case study design will be used. The specific problem to be addressed is the possible lack of employee training within the United States manufacturing industry, potentially resulting in reduced employee performance and increased turnover.

The specific problem to be addressed in this study is the possible lack of employee training within the United States manufacturing industry, potentially resulting in reduced employee performance and increased turnover. This methodology paper will discuss the research paradigm and methodology guiding the study to address this problem.

The research paradigm is constructivism. Constructivism is a theoretical framework that suggests that learners actively construct knowledge and meaning (Gallagher & Broderick, 2022). In the context of this study, constructivism aligns with the belief that employee training and its impact on organizational performance are influenced by the social construction of knowledge within the manufacturing industry. The research paradigm will guide the study in exploring individuals’ subjective experiences, perspectives, and interactions within the industry better to understand the lack of employee training and its consequences.
Discussion of Methodology:

The methodology chosen for this study is a single case study design. A single case study allows for an in-depth examination of a specific case, which in this study is the United States manufacturing industry (Gallagher & Broderick, 2022). By selecting a single case, the study can delve deeply into the unique characteristics, practices, and challenges faced by manufacturing

Task 3 Methodology 

companies in the United States. Jones, Smith, and Johnson (2021) support this approach, asserting that a single case study design provides a comprehensive understanding of the research problem within a specific context.

The single case study design is particularly appropriate for investigating the lack of employee training within the United States manufacturing industry. It enables the researcher to explore the perspectives, experiences, and practices related to employee training in a focused manner (Gallagher & Broderick, 2022). Additionally, it allows for an in-depth exploration of the consequences of a lack of training on employee performance and turnover rates; this aligns with the research problem statement, which identifies the possible lack of employee training as a problem that may result in reduced performance and increased turnover.

Brown (2020) conducted a meta-analysis that supports the choice of a single case study design. The study demonstrated the negative consequences of a lack of training on employee performance. Brown (2020) conducted a meta-analysis that supports the choice of a single case study design. The study demonstrated the negative consequences of a lack of training on employee performance. The single case study design will allow for an in-depth exploration of these consequences within the specific context of the United States manufacturing industry.

Qualitative methods will be employed to collect and analyze data in this study. Qualitative methods are well-suited to explore subjective experiences, perspectives, and interactions within a specific context. They allow for a rich and detailed understanding of the phenomenon under investigation (Jones et al., 2021). The qualitative approach aligns with the constructivist paradigm, enabling the researcher to capture individuals’ subjective experiences and perceptions within the manufacturing industry.

Task 3 Methodology 

In summary, the chosen methodology for this study is a flexible design using a single case study approach. This methodology allows for an in-depth exploration of the lack of employee training within the United States manufacturing industry. The research paradigm of constructivism guides the study in understanding the social construction of knowledge and its implications for employee training (Jones et al., 2021). Combining a single case study design and qualitative methods will provide a comprehensive understanding of the current training practices, assess training needs, examine training methods, and understand the impact of training on job performance within the manufacturing industry.


In summary, this methodology paper discussed the research paradigm and methodology to address the lack of employee training within the United States manufacturing industry. The constructivist paradigm guides the study in understanding the construction of knowledge and its implications for employee training. The chosen methodology is a flexible design using a single case study approach; these methods are well-suited to explore the current training practices, assess training needs, examine training methods, and understand the impact of training on job performance within the manufacturing industry. The methodology aligns with the research paradigm, problem statement, and research questions, aiming to understand the lack of employee training and its consequences comprehensively.

Task 3 Methodology



Brown, D. (2020). Training effectiveness and organizational performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35(2), 267-289.

Gallagher, S., & Broderick, A. (2022). Constructivism as a research methodology in educational psychology. Educational Psychology Review, 34(2), 487-507. doi:10.1007/s10648-022- 09694-w

Gupta, S. (2022). Skill development and technological advancements in the manufacturing industry. Journal of Strategic Management, 40(4), 456-478.

Jones, A., Smith, B., & Johnson, C. (2021). The impact of training on employee performance: A systematic review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 45(3), 123-145.

Johnson, E., & Johnson, F. (2023). The relationship between employee training and turnover rates: A survey-based study. Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(1), 56-73.


Important NOTE:

Please include APA style in-text citation along with the information



Here are the assignment instructions to follow exactly: 

Outline for this assignment:

?  Introductory paragraph – For this methodology paper, including the specific problem sentence.

?  Discussion of Research Paradigm

?  Discussion of Methodology

?  Summary – For this methodology paper

?  Reference Section

Discussion of Research Paradigm:

Begin with a theme sentence: “My research paradigm is XXX” Then discuss your research paradigm and how this is likely to guide your study.

Discussion of Methodology:

Begin with a theme sentence: “This study will be conducted with a XXXXX design using XXXXX method(s) specifically, a XXXXX design will be used”. Then discuss why this is the appropriate methodology for your study.

Provide multiple citations from multiple authors to support factual assertions about the function of the design. Reference your problem statement and research questions in demonstrating why this is the correct methodology and how it fits with your research paradigm.



Here is an example of how to write this assignment; please READ




Liberty University
BUSI 885 Research Concept Respectfully submitted to: Dr. Kimberly Jones

April 19, 2022

Author Note

Jason D. Roseberry
The author has no known conflicts of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jason David Roseberry

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TASK 3 2 Email:

?  Roseberry, Jason D.

?  Finance Cognate

?  Dissertation Track

?  Research Paradigm: Pragmatism

?  Planned Research Design: Flexible Design, Qualitative (Multiple Case Study)

?  Proposed Topic: The proposed dissertation topic is Common, Preventable Causes of

Failure in Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Transactions.

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Task 3: Methodology

The study intends to examine the specific problem of potential causes of failure for attempted M&A transactions within the United States private equity industry resulting in possible financial losses in the form of failed transaction costs. The study will be qualitative and conducted under the paradigm of pragmatism using a flexible design, specifically a multiple case study approach. The goal of the chosen methodology is to examine the problem and identify potential causes of failure for attempted M&A transactions without imposing a fixed view of reality on any data acquired during the research process. Utilizing the selected design will ideally allow for a qualitative understanding of the problem being examined providing reliable data for practitioners and researchers to use in identifying and potentially mitigating any recurrent causes of failure.

My research paradigm is pragmatism, which is a conceptual and practical tool utilized to solve specific research problems (Schoonenboom, 2019). According to Schoonenboom (2019), pragmatism aims at solving practical problems in the real world. Similarly, Kelly and Cordeiro (2020) suggest that pragmatism allows researchers to focus on practical understanding of concrete, real-world issues. Pragmatism is a useful paradigm for researching organizational processes, such as M&A, and three methodological principles can guide a pragmatic approach (Kelly & Cordeiro, 2020). The three principles that underlie a pragmatic approach are an emphasis on actionable knowledge, recognition of the interconnectedness between experience, knowing and acting, and inquiry as an experiential process (Kelly & Cordeiro, 2020). Regarding the specific problem to be addressed, which is potential causes of failure for attempted M&A transactions within the United States private

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TASK 3 4

equity industry resulting in possible financial losses in the form of failed transaction costs, the paradigm of pragmatism will guide the researcher to examine any collected data with the goal of gaining a practical understanding of the M&A process without applying a specific view of reality. In short, the paradigm of pragmatism will allow the specific problem to be studied is as much of a philosophical vacuum as practically possible and permit the reader to choose which view of reality to apply when interpreting the results.


This study will be conducted with a flexible design using qualitative methods, specifically a multiple case study design will be used. Creswell and Poth (2018) state that qualitative research is ideal for better understanding a phenomenon from the perspective of the participants in said phenomenon. Given that case studies can be used to examine individuals, groups, organizations, events or problems, a multiple case study is the design that has been proposed for this project (Yin, 2018). The study will focus specifically on potential causes of failure for attempted M&A transactions within the United States private equity industry resulting in possible financial losses in the form of failed transaction costs, which is a complex topic being examined as it naturally happens making a multiple case study approach suitable (Creswell & Baez, 2020; Creswell & Poth, 2018). Further, case study methodology is an ideal approach for examining intricate phenomena within the business discipline (Rashid et al., 2019). The design will allow for the specific problem to be better understood qualitatively, while allowing other researchers and practitioners the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained from the study as appropriate.


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TASK 3 5

Under a paradigm of pragmatism, a flexible qualitative design utilizing a multiple case study approach will be used to examine the specific problem of failure for attempted M&A transactions within the United States private equity industry resulting in possible financial losses in the form of failed transaction costs. The paradigm will facilitate a practical understanding of an often complex business process. A multiple case study approach, which is appropriate for examining problems within the business discipline, will allow for the examination of several similar phenomena to better understand the specific problem from the perspective of the participants. Ideally, the design will provide the opportunity to collect reliable data that both researchers and practitioners can utilize to identify and potentially mitigate recurrent causes of M&A transaction failure in the future.

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Creswell, J. W., & Báez, J. C. (2020). 30 essential skills for the qualitative researcher. Sage Publications.

Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches. (4th edition). Sage Publications.
Kelly, L. M., & Cordeiro, M. (2020). Three principles of pragmatism for research on organizational processes. Methodological Innovations, 13(2), 205979912093724.

Rashid, Y., Rashid, A., Warraich, M. A., Sabir, S. S., & Waseem, A. (2019). Case study method: A step-by-step guide for business researchers. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 160940691986242.

Schoonenboom, J. (2019). A performative paradigm for mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 13(3), 284-300. Yin, R. K. (2018). Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods, (6th edition).

Los Angeles, CA: SAGE. ISBN: 9781506336169.

