This is based off implementing the grow, reality, obstacles, and…

This is based off implementing the grow, reality, obstacles, and way forward (GROW) model.

Stop: What are the leadership skills and behaviors the learner has selected that you recommend be stopped, i.e., not pursued? Provide the rationale as to why you believe a leadership skill they have selected may not be the most appropriate focus area based on the employee engagement survey results. If you don’t identify any leadership behavior focus area to stop, then how would you suggest one or more of the targeted leadership behavior areas be modified to better address the outcome desired?
Start: What leadership skills and behaviors do you recommend the learner add as a focus area? Provide the rationale for your recommendation as well as one to two suggested ways this leadership skill/behavior could be targeted for improvement.
Continue: For the recommendations that the learner has made that you fully agree with, provide commentary as to why you believe the selected leadership skills and behaviors area is appropriate to be addressed.


Image transcription text

FOCUS AREA Current Year Two Years Ago Four Years Ago Constantly strives to provide value to our clients
and customers CLIENT/CUSTOMER 90 89 91 My company cares about its employees COMPANY …
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What leadership behaviors are needed to improve the work environment, determined via your assessment of the employee engagement survey?


After assessing the employee engagement survey, leadership behaviors such as active listening, motivating, and displaying emotional intelligence need to be improved.

Even though customers seem to receive proper service, employees feel that they need more support when facing more demanding tasks. This is where active listening – a form of communication – becomes critical between leaders and employees. Too often, employees go through the motions and do not meet their supervisor’s expectations because they are afraid to speak up about concerns. If supervisors can create a healthy work environment, expectations will be met or exceeded, and employees will feel more supported.

In addition to active listening, supervisors need to adopt motivational behaviors in the workplace. In some areas of the survey, a considerable number of employees did not feel that their company cared or showed appreciation for its employees. Leaders can say something as simple as “Keep up the great work” or “Thank you for your hard work” to show appreciation for employee efforts. Leaders can also provide incentives that motivate employees to perform better, which improves the organization as a whole. Leaders need to be aware that they do not do all of the by themselves. They have teams that make their vision a reality.

Lastly, displaying behaviors that show emotional intelligence needs improvement. Some components of emotional intelligence include empathy, self-awareness, and reflection. When you factor those behaviors into leading, you increase your chances of building trust with employees. They will see you as someone who is ethical and can confide in professionally.


What leadership skills would you recommend including in your organizational leader’s toolkit to develop the identified leadership behaviors?


One leadership skill I recommend including in my leader’s toolkit is communication. There is a way to be stern and respectful when interacting with employees. Effective communication minimizes drama and confusion while trying to convey a message. I would also include decision-making skills in my toolkit because there are different ways to make business decisions. Will employees have the chance to voice their opinions before forming a conclusion, or will the decision-making style operate like a dictatorship? Each option can drastically impact how an organization will function.


How will improvements in the recommended leadership skills and behaviors improve organizational performance?

Improvement in the recommended leadership skills and behaviors will improve organizational performance by limiting the number of mistakes that could potentially be made. Employees will have the confidence to ask for clarification in the early stages of a project so that the remaining tasks can be done smoothly. Organizational performance will also be improved by encouraging leaders to ask for feedback and constructive suggestions to enhance future strategic plans that ultimately generate more revenue for the business.