DukeMoon12169 The major difference between individualistic culture and…The major difference between individualistic culture and collectivist culture is the I and we mindset. Individualists think of what they can do to better themselves regardless of the outcome for the people around them. They can share the information they chose to and they also make all their decisions alone hence the “I mindset”. As far as collectivists they have the “we mindset” meaning any issues that arise they decide as a unit what the best approach would be to handle it. Everyone will have a say in what happens. Everyone in the group has a role and those roles are determined by the group. The two countries I will be comparing is Thailand versus United States. In Thailand they are a collectivistic culture  with a rating of a 20 in individualism. Here in the states we are a individualistic culture with a ranking of 91. In Thailand you’re all sorted into certain groups at birth. You owe loyalty to your group and do what’s best for your family and those who are also in your group. No matter what you do in life you cannot change your group. For example if you’re wanting to go to school and make more money; in Thailand you would still be considered low-class. Whatever your family is they will categorize you as that social class regardless of your education and income. In America with the individualist mindset we still have social classes however, our singular achievements determine where we stand as adults. We have a bit more freedom of how we are perceived because we are seen by what all we have done personally. Even if you were born into a low income family you could still be considered upper class if you become successful. We determine how we are categorized because we see everyone as individuals. Whereas collectivist are categorized by your family and those around you. Birds of a feather flock together type of perception but unable to change that perception.  Both have pros and cons to them. For me I can see how having a large family mindset from your immediate family as well as neighbors or distance relatives makes life easier. You all hold a particular role within the unit but you all struggle or thrive the same. The contributions may be greater than others but you still hold the same level of importance in decision making. What affects you affects me way of thinking. At the same time that mindset can also be your doom because you will never have individualism you aren’t defined by your personal achievements but by everyone’s achievements. Individualism is  just that, what you contribute to society is how you are perceived by others. Its more of a free form way of living; I only have to do what effects me personally. You are defined by what you do versus what everyone around you is doing. Living this way does make it harder for people to find deep connections outside of family. In my opinion there is always a fine line between being an individualist and being selfish. Your decisions can always affect someone else. How to respond to this?BusinessBusiness – Other