The issue that this policy analysis will address is the lack of…

The issue that this policy analysis will address is the lack of access to affordable healthcare in the United State

2. Be sure to review all of the information on the webpages provided within this module regarding health policy analysis. 

Begin by reviewing the following pages: to an external site.  – this can help you find a focus area for the healthcare reform policy that you choose to focus on for the project to an external site.  – this will provide you with information on the health policy analysis process


Review the following pages as well for more information on the health policy analysis process: to an external site. to an external site. to an external site. to an external site.

3. Conduct research on your selected topic area and develop your essay covering the following areas: 


Statement of the Issue
A well-crafted section that states the project topic. This section should end with an explicit statement of the issue to be addressed in the project.
What is the problem or issue that this policy analysis will address?

An explanation of the problem / issue and its significance. Include supporting evidence, references from the research literature, and sentinel or signal cases that clarify and substantiate the problem / issue.
Who does the problem / issue affect? Why is it a problem?

Information Pertinent to the Issue
This section will vary based on the topic but may include current laws (in place or proposed), current debate about the issue, problems created by lack of a policy, and/or existing data about the issue.
For this section, you are presenting the most significant (or most evident) information. 

Stakeholder Perspectives
Identify the stakeholders who have an interest in this issue. What is their (stated or assumed) position on the issue and why?
Consider diverse and varied perspectives! These are the individuals, organizations, and interest groups that may support, oppose, implement or benefit from the policy.


Agenda Setting
Discuss the agenda setting phase as they relate to your selected issue / policy. The overarching question that you are asking is: Is there sufficient and convergent support to move the issue forward from idea to policy?

You should have separate sections related to:
-Possible solutions / Policy proposals. What are the possible solutions that are in place, have been tried previously, or have been proposed as related to your issue and/or closely related issues? In other words, identify and describe several (3 or more) possible alternative solutions.
-Political circumstances / Politics. Consider public sentiment, interest group advocacy, political support/opposition, and election dynamics that influence your issue.


Policy Recommendation
Based on your evaluation of alternatives, which alternative would you recommend and why? Be thorough in describing your rationale and justification for the recommendation.