Strategic Innovation Assignment Section Point Allocation Innovation…

Strategic Innovation Assignment

Section Point Allocation

Innovation Portfolio

Innovation Radar

Business Model Canvas


For the innovation portfolio, innovation radar, and business model canvas, you may use a current or former employer, or any company with which you are familiar.

Section 1: Innovation Portfolio



Please use the table below to:

Allocate existing and target percentage weights to your company’s innovation portfolio. 
Describe your rationale for the difference between the weights you allocate to each dimension.
Describe how your company could innovate on each dimension.


  Existing % Target % Rationale for Change Innovative Ideas
Differentiation 20% 30%

My hospital is a rural facility; thus it is on the smaller side in comparison to the other hospitals in the area. We are a type of hospital that you may call a critical access hospital. We have a responsibility to demonstrate to the residents of the county that, despite our differences with other organizations, we are still able to offer the care that most people require.


Display all the new improvements that the hospital is attempting to make in order to differentiate itself from competitors and offer patients a greater variety of care options.
Revolutionary 10% 40%


We are working to enhance the number of different kinds of providers. For instance, we are currently working on acquiring vascular surgery providers who will offer care that is significantly different from that offered in any other region in the vicinity.

Provide the wound care center with vascular surgery and other enhancements.
Evolutionary 60% 20%

As a smaller hospital that is working toward expanding, it is imperative that we receive a greater number of patients. Most of our current patients are pleased with the services that we provide.


Fast Fail    







Section 2: Innovation Radar

Using the 1-5 scale provided below, rate how innovative your company is along the 12 dimensions of business innovation. Please use the lines provided to draw your company’s existing innovation radar with red lines and the target innovation radar with green lines.













1 = No Innovation at All (Could be doing ok, just not innovative)
2 = Little Innovation (Innovate out of necessity)
3 = Moderate Innovation (Innovation supported and valued, but not as a key competency)
4 = Very Innovative (Innovation is supported, nurtured, & is the source of competitive advantage)
5 = Extremely Innovative (Changing basis of competition in industry)


Please describe the strategy (i.e., operational efficiency, customer intimacy, or product leadership) your company should be pursuing and why. This may or may not be the same strategy your company is currently pursuing. 
If your target innovation radar differs on any dimension from your existing innovation radar (i.e., your read and green lines don’t have the same points), please explain why those dimensions should change. 
Please describe one innovative idea for each radar dimension that aligns with your chosen strategy. For example, if you chose a product Strategic Innovation Assignment
Section Point Allocation

Innovation Portfolio

Innovation Radar

Business Model Canvas


For the innovation portfolio, innovation radar, and business model canvas, you may use a current or former employer, or any company with which you are familiar.

Section 1: Innovation Portfolio



Please use the table below to:

Allocate existing and target percentage weights to your company’s innovation portfolio. 
Describe your rationale for the difference between the weights you allocate to each dimension.
Describe how your company could innovate on each dimension.


  Existing % Target % Rationale for Change Innovative Ideas
Differentiation 20% 30%

My hospital is a rural facility; thus it is on the smaller side in comparison to the other hospitals in the area. We are a type of hospital that you may call a critical access hospital. We have a responsibility to demonstrate to the residents of the county that, despite our differences with other organizations, we are still able to offer the care that most people require.


Display all the new improvements that the hospital is attempting to make in order to differentiate itself from competitors and offer patients a greater variety of care options.
Revolutionary 10% 40%


We are working to enhance the number of different kinds of providers. For instance, we are currently working on acquiring vascular surgery providers who will offer care that is significantly different from that offered in any other region in the vicinity.

Provide the wound care center with vascular surgery and other enhancements.
Evolutionary 60% 20%

As a smaller hospital that is working toward expanding, it is imperative that we receive a greater number of patients. Most of our current patients are pleased with the services that we provide.


Fast Fail    







Section 2: Innovation Radar

Using the 1-5 scale provided below, rate how innovative your company is along the 12 dimensions of business innovation. Please use the lines provided to draw your company’s existing innovation radar with red lines and the target innovation radar with green lines.













1 = No Innovation at All (Could be doing ok, just not innovative)
2 = Little Innovation (Innovate out of necessity)
3 = Moderate Innovation (Innovation supported and valued, but not as a key competency)
4 = Very Innovative (Innovation is supported, nurtured, & is the source of competitive advantage)
5 = Extremely Innovative (Changing basis of competition in industry)


Please describe the strategy (i.e., operational efficiency, customer intimacy, or product leadership) your company should be pursuing and why. This may or may not be the same strategy your company is currently pursuing. 
If your target innovation radar differs on any dimension from your existing innovation radar (i.e., your read and green lines don’t have the same points), please explain why those dimensions should change. 
Please describe one innovative idea for each radar dimension that aligns with your chosen strategy. For example, if you chose a product leadership strategy, then you would describe four ideas (Presence, Networking, Brand, and Offerings).




Section 3: Business Model Canvas – Please complete the business model for your company in the template below using black text. Then use blue text to identify how that company could innovate its business model in ways that align with the strategy and innovations you recommended in the innovation radar.






I’m Walking on Sunshine! Excellent work!!!leadership strategy, then you would describe four ideas (Presence, Networking, Brand, and Offerings).




Section 3: Business Model Canvas – Please complete the business model for your company in the template below using black text. Then use blue text to identify how that company could innovate its business model in ways that align with the strategy and innovations you recommended in the innovation radar.






I’m Walking on Sunshine! Excellent work!!!