State if each statement is True or False. Then tell why.      1….

State if each statement is True or False. Then tell why. 



1. Behaviors reveal ethics.

2. Not reading the company standards excuses you from getting fired because of poor ethics or bad behaviors.

3. Stand up for what matters. Yell at your manager if the manager is wrong.

4. Demonstrating good behavior tells what you are really about.

5. Set boundaries when offering coworkers personal support.

6. How you live away from work does not influence how well you work.

7. Professionalism is a set of rules for business behavior.

8. Negativity pulls people down.

9. Power should be used to make people do what you want.

10. Customers who feel mistreated take there business elsewhere.

11. What you have to say is more important than how you say it.

12. Keeping company knowledge to yourself ensures your job security.

13. Telling the truth might save your job.

14. When asked for the facts, give additional excuses that help your story.

15. Giving a full day’s work is being honest.

16. You only need to be truthful if someone asks you a direct question.

17. “Borrowing” money from petty cash is okay if you pay it back quickly.

18. Adding personal expenses to your expense report is acceptable if you don’t do it often.

19. Don’t waste time consulting employees about schedules and deadlines.

20. Praise increases employee morale.

21. Always give the most credit to a project’s leader.

22. All employees should be able to do work at the same level.

23. Preferential treatment causes resentment in the workplace.

24. Employees like praise more than pay.

25. Intimidation can cause legal problems.

26. Good managers push their employee’s at all costs to make themselves look better.

27. Forcing an employee to do things your way will make that person more productive.

28. Slang belongs at home or with friends.

29. Off-color humor is usually okay at work.

30. Just say no to personal email at work.

31. If annoyed at another person, sarcasm helps.

32. You become stronger by keeping information to yourself.

33. Language should reflect the occasion.

34. Email is as effective as face- to- face conversation.

35. If you don’t pay attention, you may miss important information.

36. Good organization = good product

37. It is more important to finish quickly than to turn in top- quality work.
38. Let yourself cool off before saying something hurtful.

39. Problems can’t be solved without considering the facts.

40. Bullying is a sign of strength.

41. No documentation equals no solid evidence.

42. At work, everybody should be the same nationality.

43. Stereotyping is always based on fact.

44. Appreciating other cultures helps you understand your own.

45. Traditions just divide people.

46. There is little to be learned from other cultures.
47. Self-esteem increases with practice.

48. Confidence has little to do with how you act.

49. It is easy to break that habit of lying.

50. Knowing your job well helps reduce mistakes.