Short Answer Questions Question 1 Bounce Fitness is a premiere…

Short Answer Questions

Question 1

Bounce Fitness is a premiere fitness centre that mainly caters to people from the Central Business District. Below are some of their organisational documents relevant to workplace teams. Access the Bounce Fitness organisational documents below to assist you in answering the following questions: 

Employee Relations Policy 
Personnel Policies
Code of Conduct 


at least two strategies relevant to relationships among staff in the workplace found in the Employee Relations Policy



Identify at least two reasons for discrimination in employment that are not tolerated in Bounce Fitness as found in the Personnel Policies.



Identify the purpose of codes of conduct in the workplace.


Identify at least two requirements relevant to workplace teams found in Bounce Fitness’s Code of Conduct.

Requirements refer to specific behaviours that must be upheld by all employees. These can be about the following:

Workplace team performance
Workplace team relationships






Question 2

 the questions below about the impact of organisational reputation on workplace teams. 

Organisational reputation refers to stakeholders’ perception of the organisation. These perceptions can be negative or positive. These stakeholders can be clients, vendors, and employees.


Briefly explain how negative organisational reputation affects workplace teams.


Briefly explain how positive organisational reputation affects workplace teams.



Question 3

In your own words, briefly explain the impact of each aspect of organisational culture below on workplace teams.

Organisational culture refers to the values and beliefs that influence how people should behave within an organisation.


Aspect of Organisational Culture

Impact on Workplace Teams


Values refer to beliefs that the organisation shares among its employees.


Degree of urgency

Degree of urgency refers to the pace of the organisation’s working environment. 


Question 4

Read the case studies relevant to team communication provided below. Access the legislation through the link below for your reference.

Fair Work Act 2009

You must access the most current version of the Fair Work Act 2009. 


Case Study 1

You are currently working as a Team Lead in Bounce Fitness. As Team Lead, you are responsible for approving each of your team members’ working arrangements. One of your team members is requesting for flexible working arrangements due to their physical disability. You had approved of your team member’s request; however, some of your able-bodied team members are asking why their requests for flexible working arrangements have not been approved. To answer them, you explain to them the legislative requirements regarding requesting flexible working arrangements.

Identify at least one requirement regarding requesting flexible work arrangements.


Case Study 2

You have been recently notified that one of your team members is going to take unpaid parental leave. To make sure that work is still done in your team member’s absence, you decide to re-allocate their work task to a replacement employee. You review the Fair Work Act 2009 to identify the legislative requirement for allocating tasks to a replacement employee. 

Identify at least one requirement regarding re-allocation of work tasks to replacement employees.





Question 5

Listed in the table below are facilitation techniques commonly used for encouraging team cohesion. Briefly explain how each technique can be applied in the workplace. 

Team cohesion refers to the strength of interpersonal connections within the members of a group, giving a sense of unity.


Facilitation Technique for Encouraging Team Cohesion

How the Technique is Used for Encouraging Team Cohesion in the Workplace

Provide opportunities for team-building exercises in the workplace


Arrange discussions with team members to encourage them to share thoughts and ideas with each other



Question 6

Listed in the table below are facilitation techniques commonly used for encouraging team effectiveness. Briefly explain how each technique can be applied in the workplace

Team effectiveness refers to a team’s capacity to achieve its goals and objectives.


Facilitation Technique for Encouraging Team Effectiveness

How the Technique is Used for Encouraging Team Effectiveness

Discuss conflicts with involved parties for conflict resolution


Provide constructive feedback on team and individual performance





Question 7 

Listed in the table below are mentoring techniques commonly used in the workplace to provide support. Briefly how each technique is used in the workplace. 

Mentoring refers to a long-term process that follows an informal approach in training in the workplace. 


Mentoring Technique to Support Team Members 

How the Technique is Used in the Workplace

Active listening


Mind mapping




Question 8 

Listed in the table below are coaching techniques commonly used in the workplace to provide support. Briefly explain how each technique is used in the workplace. 

Coaching refers to a short-term process that follows a more structured and formal approach in training in the workplace.


Coaching Technique to Support Team Members

How the Technique is Used in the Workplace

Identify each team member’s strengths and weaknesses


Provide constructive feedback



Question 9

Listed in the table below are strategies commonly used to resolve conflict. Briefly describe how each strategy can be applied in conflict resolution. 

Conflict resolution refers to the process by which two or more parties in a dispute reach an agreement that peacefully resolves their dispute. 


Conflict Resolution Strategy

Description of How Each Conflict Resolution Strategy is Applied in Conflict Resolution

Recognise differences in perceptions


Avoid escalating tensions between involved parties



Question 10

Listed in the table below are strategies commonly used in negotiations. Briefly describe how each strategy can be applied in negotiations. 

Negotiation refers to the process by which two or more parties with the same objective but have conflicting means to reach that objective settle on a decision that mutually benefits them.


Negotiation Strategy

Description of How Negotiation Strategy is Applied in Negotiation

Problem solving







Question 11

Listed in the table below are two methods of communication. Briefly explain how each identified method of communication is applied in the workplace.


Methods of Communication

How the Method of Communication is Applied in the Workplace

Face to face informal communication





Question 12 

Listed in the table below are at least two styles of communication. Briefly explain each style of communication in the table below. 

Styles of communication refer to the manner of one’s interaction and communication with others.


Styles of Communication

Explanation of Style of Communication








Question 13

Listed in the table below are two key principles of cross-cultural communication. 

Key principles refer to what must be taken into consideration when communicating with others from different cultural backgrounds in the workplace.

Cross-cultural communication is communication between at least two or more people from different cultural backgrounds.

Briefly explain why each key principle of cross-cultural communication must be considered when communicating in the workplace.


Key Principles of Cross-Cultural Communication

Explanation for Why Each Key Principle of Cross-Cultural Communication must be Considered when Communicating in the Workplace

Contexts of culture


Nonverbal differences



Question 14

Identify at least two key principles of communication with the following: 

Individuals with special needs

Individuals with special needs refer to people with cultural or lifestyle requirements that affect how they communicate.

Individuals with disabilities

Individuals with disabilities refer to people with physical or mental disabilities that affect how they communicate.

Key principles refer to what must be taken into consideration when communicating with others with special needs or disabilities in the workplace.


Individuals with Special Needs

Key Principles of Communication with Individuals with Special Needs

Aboriginals/Torres Strait Islanders


Culturally and linguistically diverse audience


Individuals with Disabilities

Key Principles of Communication with Individuals with Disabilities

Individual with hearing impairment


Individual with mental disability



Question 15 

Listed in the table below are at least two leadership behaviours. Briefly explain how each leadership behaviour is demonstrated in the workplace. 

Leadership behaviours refer to characteristics and actions typically demonstrated by effective leaders. These behaviours allow leaders to guide others to meet their goals in the workplace.


Leadership Behaviours

How the Leadership Behaviour is Demonstrated in the Workplace

Compassionate management


Initiating change



Question 16

Listed in the table below are three typical workplace contingencies. Briefly explain how each contingency can impact teams in the workplace. 

Contingencies refer to unexpected situations that can arise when working on team tasks.


Typical Workplace Contingencies that can Impact Teams in the Workplace

How the Contingencies Impact Teams in the Workplace

Unplanned leave or absence of workers


Reallocation of work tasks


Succession planning for important team roles
















Question 17

Answer the guide questions for workplace challenges in the table below. 



Outline at least one process for solving difficulties performing tasks in the workplace. For reference, you can access Bounce Fitness’s procedures for continuous improvement through the link below.

Continuous Improvement Procedures


Outline at least one process for solving the following:

Conflict with clients

For reference, you can access Bounce Fitness’s policy for complaints through the link below.

Complaints Policy


Conflict with team members

For reference, you can access Bounce Fitness’s policy and procedures for mediation through the link below.

Mediation Policies and Procedures 


Outline at least one process for solving potential risks or safety hazards in the workplace.

These refer to workplace conditions that are considered unsafe and can cause injury or illness to the team and others. 

For reference, you can access Bounce Fitness’s policy and procedures for risk management through the link below.

Risk Management Policy and Procedures



Outline at least one process for solving unethical or inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. For reference, you can access Bounce Fitness’s policy and procedures for workplace harassment prevention through the link below.

Workplace Harassment Prevention Policy