      select one correct answer from the following…




select one correct answer from the following multiple-choice questions



Which model/theory emphasizes the importance of long-term collaborations within and between organizations as a way of organizing effectively?

a. Transaction cost theory.

B. The network model.

C. The profession bureaucracy.

D. The stage model.


Division of labor is a cornerstone of the structural framework. All living systems create specialized roles to get important things done. People have since long discovered the benefits of specialization. But division of labor and specialization har a downside. Which?
Coordination and control difficulties
Divisionalized form
Reduced economy of scale


Janis’ theory about groupthink is described in the symbol framework. Janis believes that the risk of groupthink increases if three conditions are met. Which of the options below is NOT one of these conditions?

A. High group cohesion.

B. Comprehensive quantitative evaluation processes.

C. Pressing ambient conditions.

D. Structural shortcomings.

The correct answer is b. 

According to Pfeffer’s model, which of the following alternatives is one of two necessary conditions for a conflict to turn into an open political power struggle:
Far-driven division of labour
High degree of interdependence.
That power is scattered.
Scarce resources.


The textbook’s reasoning of authentic and ethical leadership and an inner compass states that:

A. We should try to create a meaningful self-image and identity that we can live with, as well as acting with and exercise leadership that does not chafe too hard against this self-image.

B. Since we have no stable preference function, it is pointless to try to be true to ourselves and our fellow human beings.

C. We can maximize the happiness of ourselves and others by identifying our own preference function.

D. We can create a better world by applying symbolic leadership and re-framing.

The correct answer is a. 


A model in ‘Lean’ (Modig and Åhlström, 2013) describes four ‘operational states’. The state of an ‘efficient ocean’ is characterized by high-flow efficiency but low-resource efficiency. Which of Mintzberg’s structural types/configurations is this state most reminiscent of?
A divisionalized structure.
A kind of scaled-up simple structure and to some extent adhocracy.
A scaled-down machine bureaucracy.
A mix between machine and professional bureaucracy.



Unfair discrimination is:
to allow our behaviour to be influenced by stereotypes of groups of people
to treat everyone the same disregarding group belonging and individual characteristics
to note a difference between things or people and act upon it
to single out an individual based on his/her characteristics



Which of the options below is NOT one of the basic assumptions of the HR framework according to the textbook?
Organizations should satisfy human needs.
The needs of organizations and people must be consistent.
All people are unique.
Man is a complex biological and (social) psychological being.



Scott (1998) distinguishes between technical and institutional environments (in the symbolic framework). According to Scott, what kind of organizations are active in both strong technical and strong institutional environments?


According to Foucault’s post-structural theory and panopticon, metaphor power is exercised in contemporary society and in organizations mainly through ______.
financial incentives
threats of violence


Nonaka and Takeuchi have developed a model for the creation and dissemination of organizational knowledge. Which of the following claims about their model is correct?
Combination is about linking explicit knowledge from one particular context with tacit knowledge from another.
Externalization turns tacit knowledge into explicit and generally available knowledge.
Socialization underlines the importance of employees socializing in their spare time in order to communicate more effectively at work.


Through internalization, the individual organizational member turns competitors’ knowledge into metaphors and analogies.
Which of the following power bases can be said to belong to the structural framework?
Alliances and networks.
Control of the agenda.
Personal power/charisma.
Information and expertise.


Michels’ theory of the iron law of oligocracy includes a sharp critique of bureaucracy as a principle of organizing. Which of the following options best describes Michel’s criticism of the idea that bureaucracy creates fair organizations and a good society?
Bureaucracy involves top-down control, an undemocratic social order and the emergence of a new class of rulers.
The bureaucratic form of organization transforms and hides a vertical conflict between employees and the bureaucracy’s top management and owners, into a horizontal contest and competition between employees.
The modern bureaucracy requires managers and employees who show unlimited loyalty to their jobs. To enable such careerists, other people need to look after the emotional and practical aspects of life of careerists, such as sexual pleasure, caring for children and housework.
The historical emergence of bureaucratic organizations means that human life is increasingly depleted on meaning and deeper content.



Mintzberg proposes five different configurations that all should work well in certain circumstances and has certain characteristics. What configuration fits the following description (in italics) the best? A key challenge is how to motivate and satisfy workers in the operative core.
Divisionalized form
Machine bureaucracy
Simple structure
Professional bureaucracy


The configuration that fits the description of “A key challenge is how to motivate and satisfy workers in the operative core” the best is the “Professional bureaucracy” configuration.
Barley and Kunda (1992) show how different management concepts and school formations are legitimized by different ideologies (in the symbolic framework). Which of the following claims does NOT describe Barley and Kunda’s model?
The model describes managerial discourses, i.e. how organization and management are described rather than how it is actually conducted.
Management ideals have gradually evolved from being legitimized by mainly violence, then by tradition and most recently by rationality.
Management ideals alternate over time between two recurring ideals/ideologies.
Management ideals are legitimized by faith in rational systems and/or faith in social human beings.



You’ve got a meeting with your boss. Which of the following options can s/he increase your external commitment according to Argyris (1998) and the textbook’s HR framework?
The manager develops the sales targets that s/he set up last year and announces that you will get a hefty pay increase if your sales figures exceed the targets by far
The manager asks what goals you want to set.
The manager lets you choose when and how often you want to talk with her/him about your professional development.
The manager gives you both positive and negative feedback on specific aspects of your work.


So-called WIM literature:

Select one:

Portrays successful women managers
Argues that women managers complement men managers
Advocates women’s suitability lead other women, in particular,
Focuses on how women can break through the glass ceiling
Focuses on how women can break through the glass ceiling.



Which of the following options is NOT a fundamental power dimension, according to Lukes?
Power over problem definition.
Power over thought.
Power over decisions.
Power over the agenda.



A strength of the simple structure (in Mintzberg’s model) is its flexibility. But sometimes it can become less flexible, when?
When employees take their own initiative instead of following the manager’s instructions.
When the manager engages in major strategic issues instead of day-to-day operations.
When the manager misses the need for change due to a great focus on detail.
When employees follow the manager’s directive instead of taking their own initiatives.


Which of the following options is NOT a strength of machine bureaucracies?
Maximizes external efficiency.
Maximizes predictability.
Maximizes repetition.
Maximizes economies of scale.



Which description is consistent with Brunsson’s theory of decision-making in organizations, as described in the symbolic framework?
Although it is resource-intensive, it is usually good for the operations’ efficiency to strive for rational decision-making processes.
It is above all through effective action, so-called action rationality, that an organization receives acceptance from the outside world.
In the short term, decision rationality is profitable, while in the long term, it is more socially accepted to be action rational.
Effective action can take place in the hidden, while rational decision-making processes are communicated outwards.


What distinguishes a high-performance team from a low-performance team according to Losada and Heapy (2004)?
Members of high-performance teams take their starting point in their own thoughts and opinions.
Members of high-performance teams have higher intelligence than members of low-performance teams.
Members of high-performance teams focus just as much on exploring the interests and positions of others as on communicating their own ideas.
Members of high-performance teams clearly advocate specific actions and solutions.


A highly educated workforce demands

Select one:

Predominately external motivators
Less formalization and hierarchy
More formalization and hierarchy
Predominately internal motivators
How is Foucault’s understanding of power different from Michels’, Acker’s and Burawoy’s?
Foucault believes that power is exercised by self-discipline.
Foucault believes that power is tied to resource allocation.
Foucault believes that power is tied to a hierarchical position.
Foucault believes that power consists of certain groups systematically subordinate to other groups and interests.


The subject of organization theory can be said to deviate from other academic subjects in business administration. In what way?
It is not a specialized discipline. It rather concerns how other subjects and its practical applications can be integrated into a functioning whole.
It is certainly theoretically advanced but lacks the practical relevance that, for example, marketing and accounting have.
It is even more specialized and technically advanced compared to, for example, marketing and accounting.
It is certainly a specialized discipline, but it is also about how other subjects and its practical applications can be integrated into a functional whole.



According to the textbook, there are several circumstances that may explain the emergence of the HR framework. Which of the following options, according to the textbook, is one of HR’s historical roots?
Increased requirements for external efficiency.
Increased requirements for internal efficiency.
Technological development.
Need for a more functional division of labour.



Which of Minzberg’s five structural configurations is closest to Weber’s classic formulation of the formally rational bureaucracy?
Divisional bureaucracy.
Professional bureaucracy.
Machine bureaucracy.
Divisionalized structure.



‘Flow efficiency’ is defined at the beginning of the textbook’s structural framework as…
valued by the customer through the actual passing period.
system efficiency but with an add-on in the form of employee-perceived satisfaction.
external efficiency with an additional focus on resource utilization
a combination of internal and external efficiency.



Which of the following claims does NOT match the STD model, as described in the textbook’s HR perspective?
The SDT model partially replaces innate ‘internal’ drivers with a social psychological internalization process.
Man has three basic needs in terms of competence, autonomy and belonging.
Purely internal motivation is something very unusual and extreme.
Internal motivation is the opposite of external motivation.