Scenario Taking information that you have previously prepared for…


Taking information that you have previously prepared for this course, make a powerful report (using storytelling and MS PowerPoint) for the CEO of an organization of your choice (examples could include Amazon, Netflix, FedEx, etc.) or use the Case Study on USB provided in your text.  

Explain the value of using data analysis and the risks of not using data analysis. The presentation should explain the data that you have analyzed throughout the course. Support the report with visualizations you make or have already created in previous weeks.

Discuss the topics listed below in Step 2.

The following is the necessary information to finsih this lab assignment.

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The deliverable for this lab is a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation using the resources from the past 7 weeks.

Required Software


This lab will use the following Lab Resources.

Virtual Lab Citrix (MS PowerPoint 2016 or 2019)

Use a personal copy of the software or access the Lab Resources located in the Course Resources page.

Step 1: Lab Preparation


Resources for this lab are located in Modules from Weeks 1-7. Review the work that you have completed so far in this course.

Step 2: Writing Report


Taking information that you have previously prepared for this course, create a powerful PowerPoint report (using storytelling) for the CEO of an organization of your choice.
Explain the value of using data analysis.
Explain the risks of not using data visualization.
The report should explain the data that you have analyzed throughout the course.
Support the report with visualizations you create or have already created.
Your report should be A P A formatted and be 7-10 slides in length.
Follow best practices for a PowerPoint presentations, such as a minimum of 28 point font, five to seven bullets on your topics per slide, and appropriate and easy to read font and colors or theme.

Step 3: Lessons Learned


Identify some key points that you found about data analytics in this course and add a slide for lessons learned at the end of your presentation on what you learned this session.

Step 4: Complete and Submit Work


Submit a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that includes Lab Steps 2 and 3.


Image transcription text

A B C D E F G H K L M N O P 1 STEP 2 2 Income Catergories
Percentage Number Average Income Pertentage 3 $125,000 to
$149,999 5% 1 35% 100% 4 $100,000 to $124,999 9…
Show more


Step 5:

1. The bar graph shows the income distribution of 22 people. The highest percentage of people, 32%, have an income between $25,000 and $34,999. The next highest percentage, 23%, have an income between $75,000 and $99,999. There are also significant percentages of people with incomes between $50,000 and $74,999 (18%), $35,000 and $49,999 (9%), and $20,000 and $24,999 (5%). Only 1 person has an income of $125,000 or more, and only 2 people have an income of $100,000 or more.


2. The 3D pie chart shows the gender distribution of 24 respondents. The largest percentage of respondents, 54%, are female, which is represented by the larger slice of the pie chart. The next largest percentage of respondents, 46%, are male, which is represented by the smaller slice of the pie chart.


3. The 2D pie chart shows the distribution of responses to a survey of 18 people. The largest percentage of respondents, 28%, answered question 5. The next largest percentage of respondents, 17%, answered question 7. There were also significant percentages of respondents who answered question 2 (11%), question 6 (11%), question 8 (11%), and question 9 (6%).


This data is important because it shows the wide range of incomes that people in a particular group can have. It is also important because it can be used to identify areas where there may be a need for financial assistance. For example, the high percentage of people with incomes between $25,000 and $34,999 suggests that there may be a need for affordable housing or job training programs in this area.



The 3D pie chart is important in visualizing the data because it makes it easy to see the difference between the two genders. The larger slice of the pie chart clearly shows that there are more female respondents than male respondents. This information can be used to make decisions about how to market to or serve this particular group of people.


The 2D pie chart is important in visualizing the data because it makes it easy to see the distribution of responses. The different slices of the pie chart clearly show which questions were answered by the most people and which questions were answered by the fewest people. This information can be used to make decisions about how to improve the survey or how to interpret the results of the survey.

Here are some of the benefits of using a 2D pie chart to visualize data:

2D pie charts are easy to read and understand. The different slices of the pie chart are clearly labeled, and the size of each slice is proportional to the percentage of respondents who answered that question.

2D pie charts are versatile. They can be used to visualize a variety of data, including survey results, customer feedback, and product sales.

2D pie charts are affordable. They can be created using a variety of software programs, including Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.