Research objectives/aims: Extent to which research aims are met by…

Research objectives/aims:

Extent to which research aims are met by the proposal including providing valid, reliable information

answer the research objectives and aims based on the women’s shampoo and conditioner market below in the research brief 


Women’s Shampoo and Conditioner Market

Matilda is an Australian cosmetics company headquartered in Melbourne. It manufactures and sells a range of cosmetics, with a focus on hair care products. Brand Infinity is the hallmark brand of the company’s product range, with strong sales in shampoo, conditioner, styling products (hair spray and mousse in particular). In preparation for the Brand Infinity Next Generation strategy, Matilda would like to learn more about the Brand Infinity consumer (which includes current and potential customers), including her attitudes towards hair washing and styling and her daily hair care routines.

Australian women are busier than ever before. Current research indicates that around half of Australian women struggle to find the time to wash their hair as often as they should (recommended every two days) and are leaning towards easy-to-manage hair styles.

We believe that a new combined shampoo, conditioner and hair styling product in a convenient format could be of interest amongst the potential audience of women who range from working mums, gym/fitness enthusiasts, and young professionals. A critical function of this research will be to determine whether this actually is a marketable product.


Research questions to be addressed:

1. Is there sufficient market potential for a combined shampoo, conditioner, and hair styling product? If so, who is the target market for this product?

2. What core needs would this product address?

3. What product features/benefits are most compelling?

4. What would be the main occasions/circumstances in which this product would be used?

5. What key messages should be used to promote this product and maximise its market potential?

Research purposes:

1. Understand current usage and attitudes towards hair washing and styling amongst Australian women.

o Note that this needs to be quite detailed. We are particularly interested in the nuances of women’s daily hair care routines and the contextual factors which impact their routines. For example, women with young children may have a shorter time to get ready in the morning or may be often interrupted during the process. Women who go to the gym before work and shower there will have a different set of contextual factors which shape their hair care routine. Weekend routines are likely to be different from work day routines.

2. Identify unmet consumer needs and occasions for shampoo, conditioner and hair style product consumption across buyer types and demographics.

3. Determine the market potential of a combined shampoo, conditioner and hair styling product in the context of various daily hair care routines and understand which routine(s) are most conducive to this product

4. Determine key messages to promote this product to women who follow a variety of different daily hair care routines.

Budget and timing:

A budget of $100,000 +GST is available for this important research. Although Matilda is a moderately sized company, it cannot afford to make the wrong decision. Matilda is not of the opinion that simple survey methods will adequately address the research objectives. The research must be completed within two months of commissioning including a written report and a presentation to the insights and product development teams.

Proposal requirement:

Please specify all the activities you will undertake to meet the research requirement, the outcomes that will be obtained, and the content of the final report. Proposals must provide a rationale as to the methods they considered would be required to carry out this research, reasons for their chosen methodology and also reasons for their rejection of the other methods considered. Your research should indicate how the budget will be split between various activities, but a detailed costing is not required at this stage. Ethical or legal issues that arise in relation to any of the proposed research plan should be highlighted, indicating how these will be dealt with.

As your organisation has been selected as having the capability and experience to conduct this project, you do not need to include any material in support of your company, or your team.

Matilda’s management are not available to engage in any further discussion with companies invited to tender for this research during the tender process.

Proposal assessment:

1. Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria:

2. Understanding of business need and role of the research

3. Extent to which research aims are met by the proposal including providing valid, reliable information

Perceived suitability of the research methods proposed, taking into account arguments put forward for their inclusion, and exclusion

4. Coverage of any legal, practical or ethical issues that may arise in the research

5. Ability to complete proposed research within the timetable and budget

6. Anticipated content of final report.