Recent News!!!! Scan newspaper headlines to find a story/issue of…

Recent News!!!! Scan newspaper headlines to find a story/issue of interest to you that has connections to the international business world. My preference is for you to identify an event that occurred in the recent past (however, if you see an event that is of interest to you, please do it).  It is helpful for you to identify stories relevant to Saskatchewan’s overall business environment, though I will accept news items relevant to Canada.

Bibliography and Citation are required. Any citation style is fine.   make sure web page is not 404


One to two sentences summarizing issue under consideration.
Focus on a single topic – what is the exact problem.
Defines the purpose and is the focus of this paper’s discussion.


One to two paragraphs explaining the relevant facts/details such as history or pertinent details of the issue under consideration.

The Background section begins with the most recent developments (rather than a chronological ordering of events culminating in the issue of the day).  The purpose is not so much to provide a chronology of events but to identify and frame issues and problems.
The background also includes a review of the current situation which is “the snapshot” of where we are right now.
Include only as much information as is needed by the decision-makers in the context but be convincing that a real problem exists. Do not ramble on with insignificant details. If you are having trouble putting the task into words, consider whether you have clarified the situation.


As many paragraphs as necessary (within the number of pages guideline) to discuss and provide a succinct analysis of the issue.

Analysis is the use of data (whether the data are quantitative or qualitative) to generate results that improve decision-making. Data provide a sense of objectivity and encourage “managing by fact”.  This section includes the supporting ideas, facts, and research that back up the issue identified. Include strong points and evidence to persuade the reader to consider the issue more fully. If this section is inadequate, the information will not be as effective as it could be.
Typical questions that the analysis will answer are how this issue could or do impact business (e.g. changes to a policy on taxation have a negative impact on business) and specifically what if any impact there could be (e.g. result in business closures, employee layoffs, etc.).
When writing up your analysis, use sub section headings if it helps you stay organized.  It also helps the reader understand what you are doing.  Avoid big blocks of narrative text.  Large paragraphs are difficult to read quickly.  Better to break up your thoughts into smaller sized chunks.
Use sources as the basis for the information e.g. “major news sources report….” If you cite these works, please use references. Avoid quotations as they are lengthy and often, do not illustrate the point as well as a simple sentence summarizing someone’s thoughts.
Make sure to discuss the key “pros and cons”. Readers will dismiss discussions that do not consider both sides of the story.