
READ WEEK 3 RESPONSE AND THEN READ STUDENT RESPONSE. Respond back to student’s response and answer any question they may have pertaining to what they read or understood after reading My “week 3 response”.



I have decided to concentrate on the procedure for orienting newly hired workers. At my current organization, the onboarding procedure is drawn out and laborious, and it requires a significant amount of paperwork that needs to be finished before the newly hired employee can begin their position. This documentation consists of employee agreements, benefit forms, and other forms that need to be filled out and filed prior to the beginning date of employment.

I went with this procedure because I think it has room for optimization and simplification, which would make the onboarding process faster and more effective while also taking up less time. In addition, I believe that having a streamlined onboarding process may help establish a better experience for new hires, making them feel more welcomed and comfortable in their new role. This is something that I believe can help constitute a better experience overall for the company.

To begin analyzing how to enhance this process, I would begin by collecting data on the present process and identifying places where it may be improved. From there, I would move on to analyzing how to improve it. This would entail talking to people currently working for the company, as well as managers and new hires, to gain their input on the process and to find out what aspects of it may be improved. In addition, I would investigate the papers and processes that are involved in the process in order to determine whether or not there are any unnecessary stages or steps that are inefficient.

It is recommended that a cross-functional team consisting of HR representatives, managers, and staff members be assembled for the purpose of analyzing the process. In order to guarantee that this team addresses all aspects of the process, there should be a wide variety of opinions represented within it.

Among the questions that I would pose to you is this: How long does it take to finish the onboarding process? Which types of documentation are required to complete the process? Does the procedure contain any unnecessary steps or areas that may be made more efficient? What are newly hired employees’ thoughts on the procedure?

We would need to compare the results from before and after the process was changed in order to determine whether or not the process was genuinely improved. This would require making a comparison between the amount of time needed to finish the process and the amount of paperwork that has to be signed. In addition to this, we would need to evaluate the comments left by current workers and potential new recruits to determine the level of satisfaction they have with the procedure.




Amazing job with your response to this week’s discussion post! It was interesting to learn about the hiring processes your job uses and your opinion on the process. The implementation of an IT hiring system has many pros and cons. You mention that it takes loads of time to fill out different forms needed to complete the hiring process, thus one way the organization could improve the process is by decreasing the amount of paper they use, and focusing more on digitalizing the forms needed for the hiring process (Desai, 2019). Switching from paper to paperless could also spark innovation ideas involving the creation of an online data warehouse where all the information on the new, current, and previous hires can be stored which won’t take up excess space in the business building itself.