Read the following article and answer the questions that follow:…

Read the following article and answer the questions that follow: Those factors that provide possibilities for a business to expand so as to make more sales and profits. Constraints are those factors that limit the ability to grow and reduce sales and profit potential. A useful way of assessing opportunities and constraints is to carry out what is known as a SWOT analysis. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to an organisation. Typically, they relate to the resources of the organisation, and its structure and leadership, as well as the extent of its marketing. Market focused organisations are strong because they know what their customers want. 


Opportunities and threats (constraints) exist in the external environment. Opportunities relate to the market, to the development of new technologies, and external factors such as government policies. Threats relate to what the competition is doing as well as legal and other constraints 


A good example of external opportunities and constraints is that of the building industry in the UK today. The government is encouraging developers to build on ‘brownfield’ as opposed to ‘greenfield’ sites. The constraint therefore is not being able to develop on greenfield sites while the opportunity is that of developing on brownfield land.


 The best way of thinking about constraints and opportunities is to realise that good businesses will seek to turn constraint into opportunities, while at the same time building on existing opportunities. 


Organisations should use their strengths such as having a good reputation, and experience in a particular field or segment of the market coupled with good marketing and resources, to build competitive advantage.


Three main sets of decisions need to be made by the economic system what to produce, how to produce, and how to share out the product of the economy. A planned economy is one in which a central planning agency such as the government determines the 3 economic decisions outlined above. A market economy is one in which these decisions are determined by buyers and sellers interacting with each other without government interference. A mixed economy includes elements of both the planned and the market economies.


Those (and there are few of these left today) that favour the centrally planned economy argue that the government (central planners) are best placed to meet the needs of all the people of a particular society. Those in favour of the free market argue that central planning wastes resources and that the market makes sure that consumers get what they want producing, while producers supply it at a profit. The reality is that most societies operate some form of mixed economy.


In most countries they have a mixed economy. Most decisions are made by the market. (Source htts://


1.1 To understand opportunities within the business environment ,it is important to for a business to pay attention to the environmental factors . Identify and comprehensibly discuss the macro environmental factors from a global perspective. (20)


 1.2 In light of the article referred to above , critically discuss how mixed economies play a role in the economic system from a point of view the distribution of resources to produce goods and services . (20)