Question Thanks to the outbreak of Covid-19, many educational…


Thanks to the outbreak of Covid-19, many educational institutes have transformed their course delivery from a face-to-face (F2F) mode to a virtual teaching mode. The operational processes in the F2F mode are different from those in the virtual teaching mode. For instance, instead of getting verbal feedback, instructors encouraged students to type in the Zoom chat tab to provide feedback. Dr. Goh is conducting online teaching for his students using Zoom. The course was delivered virtually over a six-week period, one lesson in each week. Dr. Goh encouraged students to participate in the Zoom session using chat tab. Dr. Goh would like to understand if the online participation can enhance students’ learning experience and their academic performance. Dr. Goh collected data to proceed with an analysis. He collected two variables, the total number of Zoom chat entries for each student over the six-week period, and the grades of students’ first assignment, which covers the topics in the first two weeks. For example, Student A001 has a total of 13 entries in the Zoom chat tab for the six weeks, and he/she receives 75 marks for his/her first assignment.


(a) Analyse the chat entry number and academic performance data. Provide a visualisation and a numerical description of the two variables according to the following requirements: 


(i) Select one (1) appropriate chart type to visualise and present data. Provide a brief justification of your choice. What observations and conclusions can you make from the data visualisation? 


 (ii) Present descriptive statistics of the two variables. Provide a brief explanation of the key statistics. What can you observe and conclude from the descriptive statistics? Are these observations and conclusions consistent with those from (a)(i)? 


(b) Dr. Goh hypothesises that chat participation strengthens students’ learning experiences and eventually enhances their academic performance. Dr. Goh wanted to find out if this hypothesis can be supported by the collected data. You are tasked to perform an association analysis according to the following requirements. 


(i) Use one (1) appropriate chart type to examine the relationship between the two variables. Provide a brief justification of your choice. What can you observe and conclude from the chart? 


(ii) Use one (1) appropriate statistical tool to examine the relationship between the two variables. Clearly present the steps and components of the tool (if any), as well as the result of analysis. What can be concluded from the analysis? Is this conclusion consistent with the observations and conclusions in (b)(i)? 


(c) In statistical analysis, the validity of the analysis can be adversely affected by skewness. Log transformation may help boost the validity by reducing or removing the skewness of the original data. To come up with a new variable by taking the natural logarithm of the chat entry data. For example, if the original data point is 13 entries, then the natural logarithm of this data point would be ln(13) = 2.56. You can use Excel function “LN()” to perform this transformation. Repeat (a)(i), (a)(ii), (b)(i) and b(ii) for this newly created variable and the grade data. Does this analysis yield any different conclusions or findings, compared to (a) and (b)? Please show the details of charting, descriptive statistics, calculation, analysis, and reasoning. 


 (d) Every data analytics project has its limitations. What can be the limitations presented in this project and the improvements that Dr. Goh can make to enhance the validity, plausibility and robustness of the analysis and results? Provide a thorough discussion and clearly present your arguments. You may comment on the design of the data analytics project (e.g., data collection), hypothesis, rationale, tools, and methodologies used in the analytics, etc.