Question 45 OkunÕs Law expresses a relationship between:    …

Question 45

OkunÕs Law expresses a relationship between:

    Real output and inflation
    Potential GDP and full-employment output
    The Unemployment rate and the size of the GDP gap
    Unemployment and inflation

Question 44

As defined in national income accounting, investment refers to:

    Business expenditures on machinery and equipment
    All construction
    Changes in business inventories
    All of the above

Question 43

Refer to the above data. In 2018, real GDP was:

    $180 billion
    $250 billion
    $435 billion
    $500 billion

Question 42

An increase in AS, other things being equal, will cause:

    An increase in the price level and an increase in real output
    An increase in the price level and a decrease in real output
    A decrease in the price level and a decrease in real output
    A decrease in the price level and an increase in real output

Question 43

 Suppose that a personÕs nominal income rises from 30,000 to 36,000 and the price index rises from
100 to 105 . The personÕs real income will:

    Fall by about 20 percent
    Fall by about 2 percent
    Rise by about 15 percent
    Rise by about 22 percent

Question 40

Which of the following should be excluded when summing personal expenditures on consumer goods and services for the purpose of calculating GDP expenditure-based?

    Durable consumer goods such as cars and furniture
    Clothing and shoes
    Milk, soap, and cheese

Question 39

The fact that nominal GDP has risen faster than real GDP:

    Suggests that the base year of the GDP deflator has been changed
    Tells us that the rate of unemployment has risen
    Suggests that the general price level has fallen
    Suggests that the general price level has risen

Question 38

Which of the following describes structural unemployment?

    Unemployment that results when employees leave their jobs because of bad working conditions
    Unemployment that results from people moving between jobs or entering or re-entering the labour force
    Unemployment that is caused by a mismatch between the types of skills that unemployed workers possess and the types of workers that employers would like to hire
    Unemployment that is caused by declines in aggregate expenditure and total output

Question 37

How should a car, produced in 2020 and sold as a used car in 2021, be handled in the national income accounts for 2021?

    It has value, so the purchase price of the used car in 2021 should be included
    Everything sold in Canada must be counted; new or used
    Used cars are a part of the country’s wealth; the entire value of the used car should be included in the 2021 GDP figures
    The value of the car was included in the GDP figures for 2020; it should not be included in 2021

Question 36


Refer to the above data. In 2020, real GDP was:

    $350 billion
    $615 billion
    $200 billion
    $ 280 billion

Question 35

Other things equal, an improvement in productivity will:

    Shift the AD curve to the left
    Shift the AS curve to the left
    Shift the AS curve to the right
    Increase the price level

Question 34

Unemployment that arises because of declines in aggregate expenditures and total output is called:

    Frictional unemployment
    Seasonal unemployment
    Cyclical unemployment
    Technological unemployment

Question 33

To be officially unemployed a person must:

    Be in the labour force
    Be 21 years of age or older
    Have just graduated from college
    Be a homemaker

Question 32

National income accountants can avoid double counting by:

    Including government transfer payments such as old age security in their calculations
    Counting both intermediate and final goods
    Only counting final goods
    By summing the dollar value of all market transactions in the economy