QUESTION 1 The expression: A only if B means:(a) B is sufficient…


The expression: A only if B means:(a) B is sufficient for A.(b) B is necessary for A.(c) A is necessary for B.(d) A is necessary and sufficient for B.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Consider the following analysis: ‘X is a bird if and only if X is a creature that flies’. Question: A mosquito:(a) is a counterexample to necessity.(b) is a counterexample to sufficiency.(c) shows that the analysis is circular. (d) shows that the analysis is self-contradictory.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


True or false: A set of sufficient conditions need not be a set of necessary conditions. ((a) true, (b) false)
  A. a
  B. b

1 points   


What is wrong with the following definition: “Kindly means ‘in a kind manner'”?(a) too narrow(b) too broad(c) circular(d) nothing
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Suppose we define ‘piece of furniture’ as ‘object used to sit on’. Question: The problem with this definition is that we can:(a) show that the analysis is circular. (b) show that the analysis is self-contradictory. (c) show that the analysis defines a word negatively, i.e., in terms of what is isn’t.(d) produce counterexamples to necessity and sufficiency.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


True or false: A set of necessary conditions need not be a set of sufficient conditions. ((a) true, (b) false)
  A. a
  B. b

1 points   


Suppose someone defines ‘death’ as follows: ‘A subject S is dead if and only if S has all the biological processes of his body stop.’ You then point out it is imaginable that a subject can have his body is frozen to near absolute zero, and a week later be thawed out and revived, but during the period where he was frozen, all biological processes in his body had stopped. Question: By pointing this out, you would have: (a) produced a counterexample to necessity.(b) produced a counterexample to sufficiency.(c) shown that the analysis is circular.(d) shown that the analysis is self-contradictory.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Consider the definition: ‘Cello’ means stringed musical instrument. Question: A guitar shows this definition is:(a) too broad(b) too narrow
  A. a
  B. b

1 points   


Suppose that (i-vii) are sufficient conditions for someone to be a bachelor. (i) X is a human, (ii) X is unmarried, (iii) X is male, (iv) X is an adult, (v) X is not a priest, (vi) X wears Polo shirts, (vii) X drives a Cadillac.Question: What does it mean to say that these conditions are sufficient?(a) Anything that fails to satisfy one of the conditions is not a bachelor.(b) Anything that satisfies one of the conditions is a bachelor.(c) Anything that satisfies all seven conditions is a bachelor(d) a and c only
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


The expression A if and only if B means:(a) B is sufficient for A.(b) A is sufficient for B.(c) B is necessary for A.(d) A is necessary for B.(e) B is necessary and sufficient for A.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d
  E. e

1 points   


Suppose we define wealth as the absence of poverty. Question: The problem with this definition is that:(a) It is mysterious or obscure.(b) It is a negative definition.(c) It is self-contradictory.(d) We can develop counterexamples to necessity and sufficiency.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


The expression: A if B means:(a) B is sufficient for A.(b) A is sufficient for B.(c) B is necessary for A.(d) A is necessary and sufficient for B.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Consider the following analysis: ‘X is an apple if and only if X is red and round’. Question: A clown’s nose: (a) is a counterexample to necessity.(b) is a counterexample to sufficiency.(c) shows that the analysis is circular.(d) shows that the analysis is self-contradictory.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Suppose I offer the following analysis of what it is to be human: An animal is human if and only if it has human parents.Question: The main problem with this analysis is that:(a) We can find a counterexample to necessity. (b) We can find a counterexample to sufficiency.(c) It is circular.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c

1 points   


Consider the following analysis: ‘X is a bird if and only if X is a creature that flies’. Question: A penguin:(a) is a counterexample to necessity.(b) is a counterexample to sufficiency.(c) shows that the analysis is circular. (d) shows that the analysis is self-contradictory.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


The claim that God is omnibenevolent (all-good) appears to contradict which of the following properties:(a) He is omnipotent (all-powerful).(b) He is omniscient (all-knowing).(c) He is pure mind.(d) He is eternal and transcendent.(e) a and b.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d
  E. e

1 points   


Suppose I analyze the term ‘bachelor’ as follows: X is a bachelor if and only if: i. X is male ii. X is unmarried iii. X is human.Question: A three year old boy would serve as:(a) a counterexample to the necessity of the conditions in the analysis.(b) a counterexample sufficiency of the conditions in the analysis.(c) proof that the analysis is circular.(d) proof that the analysis is self-contradictory.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Consider the definition: ‘Bird’ means warm blooded feathered animal that can fly. Question: Ostriches show this definition is:(a) too broad(b) too narrow
  A. a
  B. b

1 points   


Consider the following definition: “Love is the irrepressible quivering of the soul.” The main problem with this definition is that:(a) It is circular.(b) It is figurative.(c) You can find a counterexample to necessity.(d) You can find a counterexample to sufficiency.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Consider the following analysis: ‘X is an apple if and only if X is red and round’. Question: A granny smith apple: (a) is a counterexample to necessity.(b) is a counterexample to sufficiency.(c) shows that the analysis is circular.(d) shows that the analysis is self-contradictory.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Suppose that (i-iii) are necessary conditions for someone to be a bachelor.(i) X is a human, (ii) X is unmarried, (iii) X is male.Question: What does it mean to say that (i) – (iii) are necessary? (a) Anything that fails to satisfy one of the conditions is not a bachelor.(b) Anything that satisfies one of the conditions is a bachelor.(c) Anything that satisfies all three conditions is a bachelor.(d) a and c only.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Consider the following analysis of knowledge S knows that P if and only if: i. S believes that P. ii. It is true that P.Imagine that I am holding up four cards so that I can see their faces but you can only see their backs. I ask you to guess what types of cards I am holding. You have a hunch that I am holding up four aces and correctly announce, ‘You are holding four aces in your hands.’ Although what you say is true, and you believe it, it would not be correct to say that you know I am holding up for aces. Question: This example shows that: (a) One (or more) of the defining conditions is not necessary for knowledge.(b) The defining conditions (i & ii) are not sufficient for knowledge.(c) The analysis is circular.(d) The analysis is self-contradictory.
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Suppose I offer the following analysis of what it is to be an apple: Apples are fruits that grow on apple trees.Question: The main problem with this analysis is that:(a) We can find a counterexample to necessity.(b) We can find a counterexample to sufficiency.(c) It is circular.(d) It is self-contradictory
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d

1 points   


Suppose I analyze what it is to be a square as follows: X is a square if and only if X is a closed four-sided figure with sides of equal measure.Question: The problem with this definition is that: (a) We can find a counterexample to sufficiency. (b) We can find a counterexample to necessity.(c) It is circular.(d) It is self-contradictory
  A. a
  B. b
  C. c
  D. d