Question 1:    Resumes are subjective, but a reminder here is how…

Question 1: 

Resumes are subjective, but a reminder here is how  should redo/revisit  resume for each position applied for. The letter and resume must clearly show how fit the position are applying for. Some resumes will need to be experience heavy, some will be education heavy, in either case, suit the resume to the position…every time. The purpose of cover/application letter and resume is to get an interview for the position–sell!

A cover letter can make/break chances of an interview in format alone.
The cover/application letter (aka cover letter, aka letter of interest) is just as critical as the resume.

For this, the cover letter and resume can be written for a made-up/invented position or a position find on the Internet, etc. decide.

Cover letter/Application letter information begins on page 520 of textbook
Cover letter examples begin on page 523
Resume information begins on page 491 of  textbook

Question 2:


Resume Grading Guidelines and (5)Requirements (can do more, but not less):

Objective Statement:
an objective statement/summary focused on the position you are applying for
Employment history:
from current/most recent to later dates of employment
the length of a resume is about  per 10 years of experience
Be specific with tasks, use action words, and include the most relevant tasks first.
if  do not have any employment history,  need to invent employment history for this
include the name of the universities (TAMUC)/higher institutions have attended, including:
start dates
graduation dates (and/or  expected graduation date)
List these with the most current date first
If  have one college degree already,  should delete high school information
Contact Information:
listed somewhere on your resume,  can invent this information if  want
list memberships, affiliations, awards, recognition, etc.
provide details as needed
if  do not have any information for this section,  need to invent information for this

Cover Letter  Guidelines:

 Cover letter should contain details
tell  what  can , be concise–sell 

but do not bore  
Cover letters should be about
not too short
not too long
Avoid anything negative in  cover letter, like gaps in employment
Include contact information in  cover letter
Address the cover letter to an actual person
include a name

Additional guidelines for:

The design, including font, font size, font color, headings, icons, of  resume should match the design of cover letter. (High-Standards Challenge)
Do not list  references on resume
Can include a line near the bottom (Professional References Available Upon Request).
Do not use the word “I” (Me, my, we) in  resume
unless it is part of  objective summary
The font size should not be too small or too large
Spelling and grammar errors should be avoided
Be consistent throughout resume
If you have bullets, exclude periods throughout (or include periods throughout)


Top 20 Resume Writing Mistakes


Resume information and examples begin on page 491 of  textbook.
Cover letter/Application letter information begins on page 520 of textbook and examples begin on page 523.
Click here to download the Career Development Guide
Indeed-How To Write Cover Letter (Plus Tips and Examples)
Indeed-10 Resume Writing Tips To Help  Land a Job
This article is helpful:  Top 20 Resume Writing Mistakes:

Stay-at-Home Mom or Dad Resume: Writing Tips and Example: