Question 1  (1 point)   When children participate socially they…

Question 1 (1 point)


When children participate socially they are exhibiting self-regulation.

Question 1 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 2 (1 point)


Children and parents influence each other’s behaviour.

Question 2 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 3 (1 point)


In Canada, only the provincial and municipal governments are involved in different aspects of early learning programs.

Question 3 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 4 (1 point)


Exposing children to literature and relevant materials supports them in gaining cultural awareness.

Question 4 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 5 (1 point)


The Suffrage Movement resulted in the development of the Institute for Child Study.

Question 5 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 6 (1 point)


Ethical dilemmas can be used as a pedagogical tool to examine values and beliefs about culture, community and diversity.

Question 6 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 7 (1 point)


The tone of the environment has a direct correlation to how children find their way in the surroundings.

Question 7 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 8 (1 point)


The Canada Assistance Plan, introduced in 1966, made daycare a cost-shareable welfare service by setting terms for federal cost-sharing in provincial social assistance programs.

Question 8 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 9 (1 point)


The importance of outdoor play and learning was inspired by Erickson’s belief that children’s play in gardens offers a richness to the development of the whole child.

Question 9 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 10 (1 point)


“Play with high verbal content” is the first step in Woolley’s Expanded play typology.

Question 10 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 11 (1 point)


Risky play helps children to learn about their world, learn about making mistakes and discover new things about their environment.

Question 11 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 12 (1 point)


All of Canada’s provinces and territories have developed or adopted a curriculum framework for early learning.

Question 12 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 13 (1 point)


Discovery gardens follow the psychoanalytical approach, as they are intended to offer children places to discover new knowledge and integrate it into previous perspectives.

Question 13 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 14 (1 point)


Vygotsky proposed the Zone of Proximal Development and attachment theory.

Question 14 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 15 (1 point)


The theory of “messing about” was developed by Nicholson.

Question 15 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 16 (1 point)


The modern tradition evolved before the First World War.

Question 16 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 17 (1 point)


The entities of politics include people, resources, and values.

Question 17 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 18 (1 point)


Scaffolding, within the socio-cultural perspective, is a pedagogical practice, in which the educator’s decisions, actions, and interactions build on the children’s existing knowledge and skills to enhance their learning.

Question 18 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 19 (1 point)


Infant schools were introduced in Canada in the 1830s, to provide custodial care.

Question 19 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 20 (1 point)


Three essential elements of universal design are multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression and multiple means of engagement.

Question 20 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 21 (1 point)


One of the major reasons that early learning professionals focus on the aesthetics of the early learning space is because aesthetics influence how children interact with people and things in their environment.

Question 21 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 22 (1 point)


Politics and power do not affect your role as a future early learning professional.

Question 22 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 23 (1 point)


If the early learning environment ignores or denies children’s home languages, this means that the educators have not yet internalized the significance of inclusive pedagogy in their practice.

Question 23 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 24 (1 point)


The Mother’s Allowance Act of 1920 increased the number of creches across Canada.

Question 24 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 25 (1 point)


Canada’s public school kindergarten program began in Toronto in 1883.

Question 25 options:

  1) True
  2) False

Question 26 (1 point)


Deep thinking is a process of moving from an abstract understanding to a more literal understanding.

Question 26 options:

  1) True
  2) False



Question 27 (5 points)


Match the term or concept with its corresponding answer.

Question 27 options:

  the complex and dynamic relationships with diverse community members and begins as you learn with and alongside children and families
  children can experiment, be innovative and “mess about” with materials and ideas
  the process that early learning professional establish with children and families to engage in ongoing observation, documentation and interpretation of what they are seeing, hearing and understanding from children
  emphasize the significance of children’s family and early experiences for their learning and citizenship in early childhood communities today and in the future

an approach to planning where the program is process related and co-constructed by children and adults




1. Affinity spaces
2. Emergent programming
3. A practice of relationships
4. Authentic assessment

Guiding principles


Question 28 (5 points)


Match the term or concept with its corresponding answer.

Question 28 options:

  a tool of meaning making – for reflecting on and revealing the way people look at and think about early childhood practices
  an approach to curriculum that uses the child’s context as the focus of the learning opportunities offered
  to be powerful, robust, vigorous, stalwart, and awe-inspiring
  refers to the philosophy from Reggio Emilia, which emphasizes the profound impact that the physical and relational organization of the classroom has on children’s experience
  looking after the basic (primarily physical) needs of children and protecting them from danger



1. Custodial care
2. Environment as the third teacher
3. A mighty learner
4. Pedagogical documentation

Social pedagogical





Question 29 (5 points)


Match the term or concept with its corresponding answer.

Question 29 options:

  materials thoughtfully presented to children of all ages and used to spark imaginative and creative play
  the ideas, feeling, words, images, practices, actions and looks that define our social world
  the belief that development is affected by five environmental system
  co-constructing curriculum based on the interests and thinking of the learners
  a way of seeing the world from multiple perspectives

1. Loose parts
2. Discourse
3. Emergent curriculum
4. Postmodernism

Ecological Systems Theory


Question 30 (5 points)


Match the term or concept with its corresponding answer.

Question 30 options:

  helps early learning educators reflect on practice in a way that makes it meaningful and responsive to children’s learning and development
  in research, that which is collected, observed, or created for purposes of analysis or to produce original research results
  the manipulation of little materials and toys to act out stories and to develop ideas
  open-ended creative resources that are full of potential to express children’s creativity
  a multi-dimensional concept involving a motivation to explore, discover, question and seek wonderment


1. Data
2. Intelligent materials
3. Small world play
4. Curiosity
5. Thinking lens framework



Question 31 (5 points)


Match the term or concept with its corresponding answer.

Question 31 options:

  helps children figure out what others think and feel and then consider how their behaviours may affect others
  establish the value base and program standards on which early childhood services are to be founded
  a document of an early learning professionals’ professional learning
  a method of research used by educators to access children’s and their families’ perspectives about their learning
  a person who has obtained specialized training and competently carries out the work of the profession



1. Professional
2. Perspective taking
3. Professional portfolio
4. Mosaic approach
5. Curriculum frameworks




Question 32 (5 points)


Match the term or concept with its corresponding answer.

Question 32 options:

  a philosophical term meaning “otherness”
  the process of early learning professionals seeing learning through the lens of children, and children seeing early childhood professionals as guides to their ongoing exploration and learning
  empty spaces such as walls, in a learning centre. This is used to separate or mark transitions between displays
  documenting through narratives, what children can do and what they are learning
  a place where the rights of children as citizens are recognized and where the diversity of families is reflected and can be expressed

1. Vitality
2. Learning stories
3. White spaces
4. Making learning visible
5. Alterity



Question 33 (5 points)


Match the term or concept with its corresponding answer.

Question 33 options:

  active engagement by families in a learning environment
  ideas that surface from the “wonder-type” comments, conversations or interests the children express during their play
  refer to the manner in which a child approaches learning, individually or within groups
  involves the learner in the learning process by creating an atmosphere of wonder and investigation of the learner’s questions, ideas and theories
  searching for meaning and understanding through listening

1. Investigative triggers
2. Dispositions to learn
3. Family engagement
4. Pedagogy of listening

Inquiry based learning practices





Question 34 (5 points)


Match the term or concept with its corresponding answer.

Question 34 options:

  a course of study carried out to meet professional goals and outcomes
  a set of principles that help to explain something
  programming beliefs and strategies used to facilitate play experiences and support children and families in early learning programs
  a specific design of experiences or environments that are copied from other sources
  the art and science of helping adults to learn

1. Model
2. Approach
3. Theory
4. Curriculum
5. Andragogy








The Reflective Process & Teacher as Researcher


Reflective Practice


Reflective practice offers great learning about oneself and about others.

Think about observations that you have made in early learning environments. 

1.What caught your attention? 


2. Was it something you saw or something you thought about?

Now put your hat on as a researcher and identify one topic that you would like to research or know more about.   Of course, this topic is related to early learning environments.


3.What do you want to know more about?  Reggio? Working with clay? Water colour painting with children?  Piaget? Maria Montessori? You decide.. pick something that interests you.


Identify and research the topic.

4.Find 1 article or websites about your topic. Upload the link.

5.Find 1 YouTube video or a TED Talk about your topic. Upload the link.

6.In your initial post tell us the topic and what you learned about it AND of course add the links to all your sources.