Q-1  writ a case report by identify the strategic issue faced by…

Q-1  writ a case report by identify the strategic issue faced by Mcdonald’s 

There are a few serious strategic issues McDonald’s needs to address. A current challenge the company 

faces is how to keep its prices low. As described in the article, customers now require better(and healthier) quality food than they did before. Such factor has driven McDonald’s margins down once the cost of ingredients they purchase from suppliers has gone up. Aware of that, McDonalds needs to keep optimizing its production process in order to keep its prices competitive. Secondly,the fast food market now is much more competitive than when the company started, forcing McDonalds to innovate and diversify (within its capability), to attend a greater number of customers. A good example of that was given in the article with McDonalds now offering coffee at its stores.

• Provide at least one piece of concrete evidence to show that this is a strategic issue 

• Identify a specific recommendation • Support that recommendation with one piece of evidence to show that it would help resolve the strategic issue.




 writ comprehensive report for Heineken company that combines elements of strategic…

 writ a comprehensive report Using concepts and strategies from the course, assess how Heineken competes in the global beer sector.Distinguish Heineken the brand from Heineken the product, and discuss specific business, corporate, and international level strategies and methods Heineken has used to expand and compete – and why you believe it did so – using relevant quantitative and qualitative information from the case and course concepts/tools.

Your report should include the following sections:

Provide a brief overview of the hypothetical organization and its context.
Explain the purpose of the strategic planning process.
Problem Identification and Strategic Planning
Define the problem statement.
Identify key issues and challenges.
Describe the strategic analysis method(s) used (e.g., SWOT, market research, competitor analysis, financial analysis).
Explain how you gathered and analyzed data.
Prioritize the organization’s problems.
Examine the role of resource management in the organization’s strategic planning.
Describe how resources will be allocated to address prioritized problems.
Diversity and Inclusion
Discuss the importance of diversity and inclusion in the organization’s strategic planning.
Identify best practices to promote diversity and inclusion in the organization.
Technology Impact
Assess the role of technology in the organization’s strategic planning.
Identify potential technological opportunities and challenges for the organization.
Risk Management, Trade-offs, and Communication Channels
Develop an understanding of how to manage risks and trade-offs in the strategic plan.
Explain how the organization will communicate its strategic plan to stakeholders.
Communication Plan
Define the goals and objectives of the communication strategy aligned with the learning outcomes.
Identify the target audience, considering diversity and inclusion best practices in a global framework.
Specify the communication methods, considering the role of technology impact in strategic planning.
Determine the frequency and timing of each communication method.
Assign responsibility for executing each method to specific team members or groups.
Define the content of the communication, including factors in business problem identification and resource management in strategic planning.
Identify stakeholder preferences for communication methods and frequency.
Identify potential risks associated with communication, and outline strategies for avoiding or overcoming them, considering how to manage risks and trade-offs in strategic plans.
Describe how feedback will be collected and acted upon to improve the communication plan and strategy implementation.
Plan for continuous improvement, including regular review and updates to the communication plan based on feedback and changing needs.