MasterElectron10621 Provide two examples of common criticisms against advertising. What…Provide two examples of common criticisms against advertising. What do you think about these criticisms? Are they fair? Explain why or why not ?Price Skimming is a price strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively high initial price for a product or service at first, then lowers the price over time.  A) Why do businesses engage in price skimming? B) Is it Legal? Is it Ethical?Activists have suggested a complete consumer boycott of products produced by corporations that profit by utilizing child labour. As deploring as it may be, the children who work in these corporations bring home to their families a substantial portion of the monies required to sustain the family for the necessities of life. As such, these families actually fear the consequence of a potential boycott. What proposal do you have to resolve this pending dilemma to ensure that the child labour issue can be addressed appropriately but without the dramatic financial consequences that a wholesale boycott may trigger?When a corporation provides a user with a customized online experience, how does the corporation balance its needs for data collection with a user’s Privacy Concerns and needs?The Contractual Approach to Consumer Protection is the view that the relationship between a business firm and its customers is essentially a contractual relationship, and the firm’s moral duties to the customer are those created by this contractual relationship. Do you think this is a good way to protect customers? Explain why or why not.Greenwashing is the practice of making an unsubstantiated or misleading claim about the environmental benefits of a product, service, technology or company practice. Why would a company rely on greenwashing as part of its sales marketing strategy?Maher and Kendra live in a small town of 20,000 people. They each own and operate a gas station in the city centre – right across the street from each other. They have been competing against one another by focusing on the lower price as their advantage to the consumer. The fact is, their price war has resulted in neither making a respectable return on their investment. Maher and Kendra, one day, meet for an hour and agree to set and maintain gas prices at the same amount. That amount, however, is a higher amount that provides a good profit to each. Their price war is over.     What is your position on this scenario? Is it of concern? How? Why? Elaborate.We discussed Big Data in the context of it being a concerning corporate activity. It refers to extremely large data sets that, once collected, may be computationally analyzed to reveal patterns, trends, and associations – especially relating to human behaviour and interactions. Who, specifically, – 1.  Stands to benefit from access to Big Data         2. Would be offended by how and why Big Data is used?What are “cookies”?BusinessBusiness – Other