PROMPTS:  Are you actively listening to the feedback from your…


Are you actively listening to the feedback from your peers, remaining open to modifying the leadership skills and behaviors you have identified based on their comments and input?
Compare and contrast skills and behaviors selected by your peers with those you have selected. As you review their rationale that justifies their selections, provide feedback to your peers on additional points they should consider.
Provide your rationale for keeping the skills and behaviors you have selected that your fellow peer(s) have not, explaining why you believe the competencies you have selected provide better opportunity for organizational improvement. If, however, you believe another learner’s skills and behavior selection is more viable then your own, then provide the rationale for changing your initial selection to one recommended by another learner.

My Response: 

Good Afternoon Prof. Smith and classmates, 

Leadership is one of the essential components for the success of any organization. Effective leadership can contribute to establishing and fostering a positive workplace culture, increasing employee job satisfaction and engagement, and improving a business’s overall performance. Throughout this discussion, I will present the leadership abilities and behaviours I have identified that have a close correlation to a lot of the questions from the survey that fall under the focus area of working conditions as needing improvement, along with a brief explanation of why I believe these skills and behaviours should be enhanced. The reason I selected multiple questions to address in this week’s post was due to the fact that as we go further into this course, I see that many of the ills that the employees identified within the questionnaire are intricately linked to leadership behaviours and abilities that need to be changed and addressed. These abilities and actions should be changed posthaste, as these changes, once implemented, would positively impact the results of the next employee engagement survey. 

Communication is the most critical leadership skill that must be improved. Communication is essential for effective leadership because it enables leaders to convey their visions and goals to their team members and establish a shared understanding of these things. This mutual understanding can help to the formation of a working environment that is more conducive to cooperation and productivity, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and engagement. In addition, improved communication can help avoid misunderstandings and disagreements, resulting in excellent staff morale and performance.

My opinion is that one should work on improving their problem-solving abilities as a second leadership talent. Leaders need to be able to find solutions to challenges in a timely and effective manner in order to guarantee that projects and tasks will be finished on schedule and to the highest possible standards. Additionally, leaders should have the ability to anticipate possible problems and take preventative measures to address them before they even occur. This can help to reduce the amount of time and resources that are wasted, leading to improved performance overall.

The ability to make decisions is the third aspect of leadership that, in my opinion, should be strengthened. It is expected of leaders to be able to make judgments with speed and self-assurance based on solid reasoning and supporting facts. They should be able to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the various choices available to them and arrive at a decision that is in the best interests of the company as well as the people who work there. This can contribute to the creation of a more productive and successful working environment, which in turn can lead to improved outcomes.

Building stronger teams is the fourth leadership ability that, in my opinion, has to be strengthened. Leaders are expected to have the ability to construct teams that are capable of cooperating with one another to accomplish the objectives of the business. Because of this, members of the team are able to cooperate and share ideas, which can contribute to the development of a favourable culture in the workplace. Because of this, employees are more likely to feel valued and appreciated for their contributions, which can, in turn, contribute to increased levels of job satisfaction and engagement.

In conclusion, I believe that motivation is the fifth leadership quality that should be strengthened. The ability to inspire one’s team members to perform to the best of their abilities and realize their full potential is an essential quality for a leader to possess. As a result, employees may feel encouraged to perform to the best of their abilities, which can contribute to the creation of a happy and productive work environment. Employees who believe that their efforts are being acknowledged and rewarded are more likely to feel engaged and satisfied in their work, which can lead to better levels of job satisfaction overall.

These are the five aspects of leadership that, in my opinion, need to be strengthened in order to enhance working conditions, levels of job satisfaction, and a toxic culture in the workplace. These abilities are all connected to the employee engagement survey because they have the potential to contribute to the development of a more upbeat and fruitful working environment, which in turn can result in increased levels of employee engagement and overall job satisfaction. If leaders work on enhancing these abilities, they can contribute to the creation of a culture that is based on trust and respect for one another, which will result in improved overall results on the next employee engagement survey.


My Peer Response: The leadership skills I identified for improvement were emotional intelligence and problem solving. In my previous discussion I said emotional intelligence is needed to identify the different signs of a struggling work environment. I believe this ties directly to the question ‘When I am having difficulty my Supervisor is there to support me so I do not feel abandoned.’ The emotional intelligence skill comes into play in this survey question because a supervisor is suppose to be able to analyze the work environment and detect any struggle or interference anyone might have.

The other leadership skill I mentioned was problem solving. This skill ties directly to ‘My Supervisor give me useful information on how I can improve my job performance.’ In some cases, in order to solve a problem you must resolve from the ground up. So, improving job performance from the first point of contact can prevent creating issues in the long run.

Leadership behaviors I identified were honesty and confidence. I believe honesty is the best policy. I mentioned in the previous discussion a leader must be honest with themselves and everyone around them. Honesty ties with the survey question, ‘My supervisor lets me know where I stand and what is expected of me.’ When a leader is honest they will get the most results. Good or bad as a leader you pull in all the information and provide advice and solutions as needed.

Another behavior I mentioned was confidence. As a leader it is important to not only have confidence in yourself but building confidence with those around you and also implementing confidence is crucial. There should be a strong work bond. These all tie in with the survey question, ‘My supervisor talks with me to help me determine my training and development goals.’

Improvement on these leadership skills and behaviors would have a positive impact on the next employee engagement survey because of the reasons I stated. The percent results of the current year are not above 40. I oredict the reult to be over 70 by the next year if we improve on these skills and behaviors.