Problem Overview  The City of Vancouver has a target to reduce the…

Problem Overview 

The City of Vancouver has a target to reduce the size of the ‘rolling stock fleet’ by 20% over 2013 values by 2020. The 2013 year-end rolling stock fleet size (‘baseline’) was 1200 units including light duty vehicles, heavy trucks, and heavy equipment within all departments of the organization combined. The City’s fleet is centrally owned and managed by the Equipment Services Branch of Engineering Services who then effectively rents the fleet units to user groups across the organization at an annual rental rate to cover expenses and capital repayment. Rental rates vary by equipment class and age, but are independent of annual usage. Fleet units are replaced on a regular cycle, which varies by class. Fleet user groups are generally protective of fleet assets and not keen to give them up.

 The accompanying Excel spreadsheet provides a list of all rolling stock fleet units as of the end of 2014. Included in this data set is information on each fleet unit such as what it is, who uses it, where it is located, how much it was used in 2014, and how much time it spent in the garage in 2014. Notes: this is an actual dataset with some data inaccuracies and incomplete entries. Explanatory comments have been included in row 1 of the excel file.


You have been asked to provide a report back to project executives of the current state of the rolling stock fleet as well as provide your initial recommendations on how to approach leaning out the fleet size. Using your creative and strategic thinking skills, supplemented by the dataset provided, provide a summary (in the format of your choice) that touches on the following:

 1. Data Analysis & Observations: 

a) Please provide a table or a graph showing fleet composition and usage by user group and/or fleet type 

b) Any observations into downtime and labour hours by equipment category

 c) Any other observations related to the dataset that you wish to highlight

 2. Recommendations

: a) List of additional data and information would you like to better understand fleet usage and opportunities to reduce fleet numbers 

b) How would you collect the additional data and information?

 c) What are some benefits of reducing the fleet size?

 d) Potential approaches and strategies to look into for reducing the fleet size 
e) Any potential risks to do with reducing the fleet size and any suggested mitigation strategies 

3. Any other observations, comments, or recommendations you may have 

4. Create a map based on the data provided to you (plus any external data you might need) 

5. Based on your analysis, what would you recommend to the project executives as the next steps in continuing to move this project forward?