Presentation: Organizational Ethics Analysis: Ethics Artifact…

Presentation: Organizational Ethics Analysis: Ethics Artifact Research

 submit a presentation regarding a global company.

Much of a leader’s role is to move the organization through various challenges, yet remain an ethical leader and an ethical company. A complexity perspective is about change—how a company adapts to internal or external pressure. When practicing good complexity principles, change is faster because it supports innovation, problem solving, creativity, collaboration, and other factors that work within the entire organization, rather than those few which are controlled by the executive team. Yet how do you change while at the same time creating an ethical culture and avoid “ethical breakdowns.”

One aspect of daily corporate that offers stability are cultural artifacts.  While change presents some confusion and uncertainty, cultural artifacts provide group meaning and moral stabilization. Organizational cultures possess a wide range of tools and artifacts that may assist members in making the right ethical decisions and guide specific behaviors. Artifacts may take the form of something concrete (such as statues, or pictures), or they be electronic and hard-copy documents. (Example: see the Colloquia Partners page at:


Yet research of artifacts found in an organization may sometimes yield little evidence. Even when some artifacts are found, questions arise—such as, “Are they used? Have they become embedded in group norms?” Or “Is this something espoused by management, but not really followed?”

Your task is to provide a short presentation that incorporates at least three ethics-related artifacts in one or more organizations. You may do this through online research from observations at your own organizational site, or by visiting another organization (for example, restaurants—even fast food chains often have codes or values posted on the walls). Make sure that in your presentation you cite the organization and location from which you drew the artifacts. For example, if from online sources, include the web link. Some of the artifacts you might look for are:

Organizational Ethics Code (focused on behavior)
Organizational Decision-Making Guidelines or Principles or Core Values
Organizational Vision (where it is going; is it ethical?)
Organizational Mission (daily focus: is it ethical?)
A Related  Professional Oath (for example, if within the airline industry, an oath tied to pilots, baggage handlers, etc.—any profession that may be found in the industry)
A picture, statue, or other item that you feel conveys ethical meaning to the group.
Acquire the three ethics artifacts. An organization might title these under different terms—you may see them described as a policy, a statement, a statue, etc. You will need to make the final decision on whether they act as one of the artifacts needed. Provide copies/citation of these artifacts in your presentation, and include the appropriate citation/online link. (Note: you cannot use the  Colloquia Partners  example.)
Present an ethical analysis of these instruments based upon course readings; in particular, those from this week. Include:
A description of how each artifact (or elements thereof) may potentially contribute to either ethical OR unethical behavior in the organization; use course material to back up your position.
Do you believe any of these three artifacts carry strong influence? Provide a summary describing why these artifacts might or might not resonate with employees. (If possible, you might even ask an employee of a place you visit.) How might what you find, conflict with what we have discussed in the course?
What has been your past work experience with these kind of artifacts (organizational values, ethics codes, etc.)? Have you seen examples where they worked effectively or ineffectively? Why do you think that is?Describe specific examples.


Please offer 2-3 lines of written narrative explaining each slide in the slide note section. No voice recording is required.