Preparation   Most people are familiar with the lawsuit in which a…



Most people are familiar with the lawsuit in which a woman sued McDonald’s after being burned by their hot coffee. However, did you know that Uber drivers may be owed millions of dollars in back pay or that a judge recently blocked 100 million WhatsApp users? Lawsuits against or between businesses (Microsoft vs. Oracle) fill court dockets worldwide. The issues in these cases range from patent infringement to product liability, and many are decided or settled without the public knowing about them. However, these lawsuits can have an impact on customers (higher prices), the availability of new products (fewer, in cases of patent infringement), and even national economies (Facebook banned in Korea).

Your Task


Use the link below to access Entrepreneur magazine’s “Court Case” section: Entrepreneur: Court CasesLinks to an external site.. There you will find a wide range of court cases involving some of the world’s business’s biggest names.
Select one of the cases on the site as the basis for your written assignment. You may get your preliminary information from the Entrepreneur magazine site, but don’t limit yourself to this one source. Google the case and see if there are additional facts or developments that you need to consider before completing this assignment.
Write a case summary that includes the following information:
Parties to the case and names of defendants and plaintiffs.
The primary issue at the heart of the lawsuit (e.g., copyright, labor law, unfair competition) and the reasons or events that caused the plaintiff to file the lawsuit.
Provide a summary of the key facts in the case from the perspective of all parties. Generally, these will be the plaintiff’s claims and the defendant’s defenses
If a decision has been made in the case, what was it? If damages were awarded, how much were they? If the damages were not monetary, what did the court order the parties to do or not do because of the lawsuit?
If the case has not been decided, what is the plaintiff asking the court to do if it prevails?
Regardless of whether the case is decided or not, what are the implications or potential implications for the businesses involved and the stakeholders of those businesses?

Note: Please remember to provide proper citations for all sources using APA style.





Who is Suing Whom


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT & DEVELOPMENT:CONTENT & DEVELOPMENT:



70 to >60.0 pts


Content is comprehensive, accurate and persuasive. Responses are excellent, address assignment and include course concepts



60 to >55.0 pts


Content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are stated. Responses are adequate and address assignment



55 to >50.0 pts


Content is generally . Major points are not well stated. Responses are inadequate to address assignment, either in level of detail or length of responses.



50 to >0.0 pts


Content is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive. Questions were not adequately answered



0 pts


Content is very incomplete or submission was not received by the due date. Content was not student’s original work in which case no points are awarded for the submission.



70 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeORGANIZATION & STRUCTUREORGANIZATION & STRUCTURE:



10 to >8.0 pts


Structure of the assignment is clear and easy to follow; transitions are logical and maintain the flow throughout the assignment



8 to >7.0 pts


Structure is mostly clear and easy to follow. Transitions are present



7 to >6.0 pts


Structure of assignment is not easy to follow. Transitions need improvement



6 to >0.0 pts


Organization and structure distract from the message of the assignment. Points are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts



0 pts


Organization of submission is lacking or submission was not received by the due date. Content was not student’s original work in which case no points are awarded for the submission.



10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFORMATFORMAT



10 to >8.0 pts


Assignment follows all designated guidelines; Assignment is appropriate length/depth of thought; format enhances readability of work



8 to >7.0 pts


Assignment follows designated guidelines; Assignment is appropriate length. Format is good



7 to >6.0 pts


Assignment follows most guidelines; length is not adequate



6 to >0.0 pts


Assignment may lack elements of correct formatting. Assignment is inadequate in length/depth of thought



0 pts


Assignment does not meet minimum formatting requirements or submission was not received by the due date. Content was not student’s original work in which case no points are awarded for the submission.



10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMECHANICSGRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION & SPELLING



10 to >8.0 pts


Rules of grammar, usage and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct; language is precise and clear



8 to >6.0 pts


Rules of grammar, usage and punctuation are followed with minor errors; spelling is correct



6 pts


Assignment contains grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors



6 to >0.0 pts


Assignment contains numerous grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors



0 pts


Grammatical errors make the assignment unreadable or submission was not received by the due date. Content was not student’s original work in which case no points are awarded for the submission.



10 pts