Power relating to social status is premised on a willingness to…

Power relating to social status is premised on a willingness to “participate”; what might constitute criteria for non-participation, and should we think of this as a power instrument? Give response 3 post below


Post 1 

Non-participation can refer to a range of behaviors or actions in which an individual chooses not to engage in activities or comply with expectations that are associated with a particular social status or group. This can include refusing to participate in certain rituals, ceremonies, or events, or rejecting certain norms or values that are considered important to the group.

The criteria for non-participation may vary depending on the social context, cultural norms, and individual beliefs or values. In some cases, non-participation may be a form of dissent or resistance against an oppressive or unjust social order, where individuals may choose not to participate in activities or events that perpetuate inequality or injustice.

In other cases, non-participation may be motivated by personal beliefs or preferences, such as a refusal to participate in certain religious practices or cultural traditions that do not align with one’s values or worldview.

Whether non-participation should be considered a power instrument depends on the specific circumstances and context. In some cases, non-participation may be a way for individuals to exert power and influence by refusing to conform to social expectations or norms. For example, a worker who refuses to participate in a company’s unethical practices may be using non-participation as a form of resistance and a way to assert their values and beliefs.

However, in other cases, non-participation may be a sign of powerlessness or exclusion from the dominant social order. For example, marginalized groups may be excluded from certain social activities or events due to their social status or identity, and their non-participation may be a reflection of their lack of power and influence in society.

Therefore, the relationship between non-participation and power is complex and nuanced, and it depends on the social and cultural context in which it occurs.


Post 2

When a person has high achievements and status in the professional field, there are usually many opportunities to enter society, participate in society, and gain power with social status. Based on the world of gallery boards mentioned in the unit 7 notes, a well-known artist gains social status and wields power. The criterion for non-participation is not to express your views through the mass media or in the public sphere of high-status individuals and organizations. Express your opinion. Defining decisions begins when people come up with ideas or actions and make incremental changes to existing decisions. Thus, lieutenants have disproportionate influence or power by taking the lead in defining power relations or individuals or organizations in final group decision-making. Not expressing opinions can be regarded as not participating in social power positions.

People yearn for high social status and power, because power and high social status can bring wealth and people respect. According to Yorkville University Unit 7 Notes (n.d.): “The term “referent power” is sometimes used to describe power holders who garner admiration, respect, and identification in others.” Therefore, I think this is a power instrument. For example, when a person who advocates the equality of color and race expresses his opinion in front of the mass media or in the public domain of the organization and gets the support of a certain number of people. Then this person has a social power. He may does not have money, but have the ability to get financial support from people donations or syndicates.


Post 3

The foundation of the status system is the recognition of a person’s place within the social structure and the authority he/she wields as a result. A person’s status in a system is their place within it. It refers to a person’s position inside a group, namely his place within the social network of reciprocal rights, obligations, and advantages (Samiksha S. (n.d.)). Social status is a term that describes the type of all-pervasive, multi-purpose reservoir of power (Landry A. (2023)).

Nonparticipation to power is the act of unwillingness or lack of opportunity to participate in any given power.  However, there various reasons that may contribute to nonparticipation. Lack of time to participate and shortage of money to enroll in the program will also result in non-participation. Lack of Self motivation and confidence are some of the factors that do not encourage a person to take part in any event related to power. Another excuse for not participating is the rigorous division. There may be several popular devisive exercises, whereby  a few very stringent people dominate everyone, and a few very strict groups have the support they require and this could create a division and cause lack of interest in participating in any given power despite the social status that one may have. Another major factor in why people choose not to participate is their social standing related to power is that members of high society don’t attend the social event organised by the lower-class people, this can be seen in apartheid, bigotry, and caste segregation and let people have  the interest in articipatin in any given power. Lastly there is an issue of belief, some societie’s beliefs encourange people to not participate in any given power, for example Jehovah witness do not believe in casting the ballot. Therefore, social status is always a power instrument in any given society when it comes to power participation .