emorybachman123 Please make a response to this student’s discussion post:   The…Please make a response to this student’s discussion post: The People’s Republic of China, or just China for short, is a communist party led state. China’s economy is said to the one of the top two economies in the world today, and it has its export relations, manufacturing sector, and low-wage workers thank for its sustained economic growth. I found it very interesting to learn on the cia.gov website that China was the “only major economy to avoid COVID-19 economic decline (1). From 2019-2021, their export numbers have increased. In 2019 their exports were estimated at $2.631 trillion and in 2021 their exports were estimated at $3.554trillion, which shows an almost $1trillion growth in just 2 years (1). In 2021, they were the number one country for exports at their $3.555trillion, above the US which was second at $2.557 in exports for 2021. China’s import numbers have increased since 2019 as well. For 2019 their imports were $2.499trillion, but then dropped to $2.38trillion in 2020, only to rise back up and exceed their 2019 number in 2021 at $3.091trillion. For 2021, China was the number two country in the world for imports at $3.091trillion, just under the US which was number one for imports at $3.402trillion (1). In doing research on the strained relationship between the US and China, I found that the feud had been growing for some time with neither side trying to make an effort to reconcile the differences between the two countries, which was read in an article on the Wall Street Journal titles The Dangerous Downward Spiral of US – China Relations (2). According to the article, the pandemic only made matters worse by increasing the alienation between both countries. The continued hostility between the US and China will unfortunately effect innovation and growth for both countries and the fear of complete blocked imports and exports between the US and China is growing since they have already slowed down greatly, according to the Wall Street Journal article. Doing further research on how this strained relationship is impacting the fashion industry, I found out in an article titled US-China Ties & It’s Impact on the Fashion Industry that most luxury brands are being badly affected since their global supply chain is spread across international markets and when restrictions are imposed on the movement of some goods, the entire model of the supply and demand is disrupted (3). Also, if relations keep going the way they are, the rise of the price of importing things from China will increase which will in turn increase the price of the products that consumers buy that are made in China. According to the article, “US fashion brands that buy their products from Chinese suppliers have been suffering” (3) since additional tariffs have been put in place and because of these tariffs, “Chinese fabric exports to the United States fell by 22% in 2019” (3). One major brand, Levi’s, even had to cut their Chinese manufacturing when the tariffs started to rise. If these relations continue to grow worse, then we will see an increase in prices of things that are not only imported from China, but also items that are having to be manufactured elsewhere at higher prices since China is becoming less available. BusinessBusiness – Other