CommodoreJayMaster900 Please comment on which topic within this week’s reading had the…Please comment on which topic within this week’s reading had the greatest impact on you.  How do you think your selected topic can bring greater sustainability to organizations or various communities of people?  Give examples how it can be employed.  Try to use at least one other source to support your argument.SOURCE IN SCREENSHOTS: DRAWDOWN BY PAUL HAWKENSImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; In the Philippine creationstory, the ?rst man, Malakas (Strong One), and the ?rst woman,Maga- nda (Beautiful One), emerged from the two hal… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; China), it is still considered aweed in much of the world. But its versatile uses, including carbonse- questration, place it among the world’s most use— … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary Ell D Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; some of the same drawbacks asmonoculture tree plantations used for afforestation. By focusingon commercial use on degraded lands, especially those… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; Plant in the spring. Growthrough the summer. Harvest in the fall. This rhythm has existedfor ten thousand years of humanity’s agricultural histo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; 2 percent of the total. Thewhole bioenergy lineup is projected to grow. Whether plantmaterial used for bioenergy is annual or perennial (or … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary Ell D Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; be harvested through a processcalled coppicing: cutting close to the ground, followed by rapidand repeated regrowth. Most important, the impact of… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary 5’ D Go to v Aa 71.— J; with plant-based fuels. But it is notan either—or proposition: We need a host of solutions to reverseglobal warming. Where more ef?cient renewables suc… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; “The ground itself is kind,black butter,” wrote Seamus Heaney in his 1 969 poem”Bogland.” Though Heaney had Ireland in mind, his is a … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; electricity is an age-oldcustom, still practiced in some places. Peat was key to the DutchGolden Age of the seventeenth century. An abundant, … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; This diagram shows some ofthe plants that have adapted to peatlands. They include sedges,mosses, the carnivorous sundews, orchids, bog myrtle,… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Gem v Aa ‘1.— J; LAND USE INDIGENOUSPEOPLES’ LAND MANAGEMENT #39 RANKING AND RESULTSBY 2050 6.19 GIGATONS GLOBAL COST AND SAVIN… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; contributing the least to itscauses. They are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects ofenvironmental change because of their land— based li… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary 8 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; I Show Notebook tional ways of life.Indigenous and community- owned lands represent 1 8 percent ofall land area, including at least 1.2 billion acres of fores… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary Ell D Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; high productivity, diverse speciescomposition, and maintenance of social and cultural values. Thesevaried systems aid in conserving biodiver— sity, meeti… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; of the land over some periodto allow regenera— tion. Governments have attempted toeliminate shifting cultivation, considering it inef?cient … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; Rangelands continue tosupport the livelihoods of 1 00 million to 200 million pastoralists,who steward more than 1.2 billion acres of rangelands … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLIbrary [TI 9 Go Io v Aa ‘1.— J; LAND USE TEMPERATE FORESTS#12 RANKING AND RESULTS BY 2050 22.61 GIGATONSGLOBAL COST AND SAVINGS DATA REDUCED C02 … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; A quarter of the world’sforests lie in the tem- perate zone, between 30 and 50 to 55degrees latitude, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; world’s 1.9 billion acres oftemperate forests are now a net-carbon sink. Rising biomassdensity and overall increase in area mean these ecosys… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textLibrary El” 9 Go to v Aa ‘1.— J; tirely forested, though by theeighteenth century most of its woodlands had been converted topasture. The United States has substantial oppor- tuni… Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other