Pedagogical Documentation/Learning Story INSTRUCTIONS: Assignment 2…

Pedagogical Documentation/Learning Story


Assignment 2 will be submitted in TWO parts as Submission #1 and Submission #2. You can use PowerPoint, Word document or Canva to compile your pedagogical documentation learning story.
Remember to share your planning with your mentor to determine the most appropriate time for you to implement. As the children engage with your provocations, use your documentation journal, and continue to observe, document, and reflect. This will guide you in further planning.

Implementation & Curriculum Planning: 

Assignment 2 is directly linked to the planning that you have completed in assignment (I chose two game experiences, the first one is a little girl playing with building blocks and making various shapes,The second one is a four-year-old girl who put a lot of marble on a patterned house to make a marbles house.Please focus on writing the second game content.
 assignment one, you had completed your initial set of observation, reflection, and curriculum planning for two children. In your curriculum plan you had included FOUR play possibilities – sensory, construction, dramatic, art.
You have been offering the play possibilities from your initial curriculum planning (which will include sensory, construction, dramatic, art, music).
Remember for each play experience, carefully choose your materials which will include loose parts and natural materials.
IMPORTANT: The initial curriculum plan (submitted in assignment 1) can be the foundation of your planning. You can make changes, extend your planning, OR create new plans (dependent on the sources of your curriculum, the changing interest of the children and your plans for next steps). Use your preferred method/template for the curriculum plan but be sure to show how you have extended your planning or added new materials. You can use a different color to highlight, new play possibilities or materials that you might add.
Observe and document how the children engaged with the play experience- use this to write your learning stories.
Submit your modified/updated curriculum plan with your submission #1 at the end of your documentation.



Pedagogical Documentation/ Learning Story:

You will submit a total of FOUR learning stories to your instructor. [2 stories in submission #1, and 2 stories in submission #2]
For EACH play experience offered, you will be required to create pedagogical documentation learning stories to show how the children responded to your provocations, your speculation on what you think the children are doing and thinking and your ideas for planning next steps.
IMPORTANT: the pedagogical documentation learning stories that you will create will be based on your play experiences that you have offered and NOT your mentor’s work.
Seek opportunities to share your documentation journal and any pedagogical documentation learning stories with your mentor.

Writing Your Pedagogical Documentation/ Learning Story:


In the pedagogical documentation learning stories, include the following sections:

Noticing: detail and description (what did you notice happening?), interests, abilities, dispositions, what happened, include child’s voice-quote, and educator’s voice. Name of the observer, date, children’s name or alias and ages (depending on your site program’s policy). It is important that you tell us what you offered (through photos and text) and a ‘story’ about how the children engaged with the materials.
Naming/Interpretation: In this section, you will give your thoughts or understanding about the story – reflecting on different perspectives, (holistic play-based goals, dispositions, schemas, learning domains). Include ONE intext citation to support your interpretation.

Citations & References: Theory/in text citation are ONLY included in the Naming/Interpretation section and should be used to support your understanding of what you are trying to say about the child. The quotes used should link to the children’s play and learning. Citations and references need to be correctly done in APA style.

Nurturing Next steps: What are some possibilities for next steps that you might take to extend or deepen this play or to challenge the children’s thinking? Consider time, space, materials, participation.

Family: Include one question to seek the family perspective

Visual documentation: include photos, (NOTE: you need to get permission from families and your mentor before taking photos). It is not necessary to include the children’s faces (faces can be covered using graphics). Avoid slide/document decoration, instead use the children’s photos or their work as decoration throughout to help tell the story.



Submission #2 : Implementation & Curriculum Planning

Create a new curriculum plan to show these next FOUR play possibilities of math, science, outdoor and any other of your choice
The planning includes open ended play possibilities that link to the children’s interest, and you have considered how each play possibility enhance different curriculum areas, dispositions, and schemas. Each week offer ONE of these experiences to the children. [math, Science, outdoor, and any other of your choice]. Observe and document how the children engaged with the play experience- use this to write your next two learning stories. 
Submit your new curriculum plan and your TWO Pedagogical Documentation/Learning Stories for submission #2.



Curtis, D., & Carter, M. (2000). The art of awareness: How observation can transform your teaching (2nded.).Redleaf Press.