PART A 1. What are the positive aspects of the memo below. 2. What…


1. What are the positive aspects of the memo below.

2. What the differences you see between leadership characteristics effective through the 1990s and those more relevant to today’s leaders, which could enhance the memo you are reviewing. 

3. what do you see as the differences between “leadership” and “management” that could enhance the memo you are commenting on. 



I am writing to inform you that the existing job announcement for new hires need to be updated, why the announcement is no longer able to meet the needs of today’s leaders, and to explain the distinction between management and leadership and why this is important.

Hiring and retaining qualified associates results in better productivity and less turnover, and advertising the perfect job announcement is the best way to attract talent. In updating the existing job announcement, Life Science Nutraceuticals will cultivate a competitive edge over other companies.

Updating the Existing Job Announcement

The existing job announcement for new hires was very likely effective in the past, as it was based on what were the current theories and view of leadership. Focusing on hiring people based on being able to drive results in a stressful environment and produce quality is something all companies want, but does not truly cultivate leaders. Leadership is not a title or position (Aldrin & Gayatri, 2018). Being able to control output and drive results of a group is the goal of a manager, while a leader uses their influence to motivate individuals. 

The Existing Job Announcement Does Not Meet the Needs of Today’s Leadership

The existing job announcement is no longer able to meet the needs of today’s leaders. Examples of the language changes when updating the job announcement to be consistent with modern desired leadership characteristics include seeking people who are charismatic, inspirational, and intellectually stimulating, showing personal concern for their charges (Lumen Learning, n.d.). Hiring leaders to communicate efficiently and demonstrating flexibility will drive individuals to produce the results needed for the organization. Placing less importance on academic qualifications and more towards experienced leaders with proven results will cultivate a modern leadership style which will in turn reduce turnover. An effective leader will cultivate vision and values by focusing on change management, which facilitates high performance in groups. Theorist Jacob Morgan posits that by combining the vertical structure with the more modern flat structure that LSN is seeking to create, cost and inefficiency will be reduced by formulating a new organization rather than building from the ground up.

Differences Between Management and Leadership

Understanding the distinction between leadership and management is crucial. Leadership is not a title or position. The goal of a manager is the ability to produce output and drive the results of a group. A leader motivates individuals by communicating effectively and providing members of their team with inspiration through example and admiration (Malos, 2012). A manager can be a leader, but an effective leader is not just a manager. Managers who are not leaders sometimes lack personal connection with their associates, communicate ineffectively, and fail to provide inspiration or any example for employees to emulate. They allow those under them to simply become numbers in the system, cogs in the machine, rather than real people whose lives influence their emotions and eventually their output as related to the company. Leaders not only see their associates as people, they recognize their individuality as a strength, not as a weakness. Leaders celebrate diversity, knowing it leads to synergy and productivity.

Although the terms are not synonymous, both leadership and management are integral to a company’s bottom line. Leaders motivate people, and management improves output. Being able to distinguish the two is crucial, and implementing both will foster an environment that caters to better performance, more productivity, active teamwork, and a happier and stress-free workplace.



Aldrin, A., and Gayatri, R. (2014). Leadership Not a Title Nor a Position. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, 2(8), 356 – 366. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1Jz5p0RH-s&ab_channel=DevGadhvi

Malos, Raul. (2012). THE MOST IMPORTANT LEADESHIP THEORIES. Annals of Eftimie Murgu University Resita. Retrieved from https://learn.umgc.edu/content/enforced/347722-001034-01-2192-OL1-6381/The%20Most%20Important%20Leadership%20Theories.pdf

Morgan, J. (2015). The 5 Types of Organizational Structures: Part 2, ‘Flatter’ Organizations. Retrieved from The 5 Types Of Organizational Structures: Part 2, ‘Flatter’ Organization.

Lumen Learning. (n.d.). What’s New? Contemporary Approaches to Leadership Style. Retrieved from https://leocontent.umgc.edu/content/scor/uncurated/tlp/2211-tlp610/learning-resourcelist/what-s-new-contemporaryapproachestoleadershipstyle.html Malos, Raul.