No explanation needed, thank you   Some companies have a/an…

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Some companies have a/an _______ policy, under which an employer may refuse to hire a worker whose spouse already works at the same firm.


  A. conflict-of-interest

  B. antinepotism

  C. antitrust

  D. antifraternization

An employer is held liable for damages caused by an accident involving an employee driving the company car on company business. Identify the doctrine underlying this decision.


  A. Implied warranty of merchantability

  B. Caveat lector

  C. Caveat emptor

  D. Respondeat superior

Drug testing in the workplace


  A. allows employees to control their environment.

  B. has had no legal issues relating to monitoring employees.

  C. tends to provide a productivity benefit for companies.

  D. requires employees to disclose all use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs

European privacy protections are mandated in the European Union’s Directive on


  A. Privacy.

  B. Workplace Privacy.

  C. Personal Data Protection.

  D. Technology and Data

The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA) of 2008


  A. prevents employers from releasing genetic information about an employee to a public health agency.

  B. excludes family medical history from one’s genetic information.

  C. allows employers to collect genetic information from employees to monitor the biological effects of toxic substances in the workplace.

  D. prevents employers from collecting genetic information in compliance with the Family Medical Leave Act

Discussions in ethics about employee health and safety tend to focus on the relative risks workers face and the level of acceptable workplace risk because


  A. workers’ compensation is easier to calculate.

  B. they result in a completely safe and healthy workplace.

  C. insurance laws mandate the focus on relative risks and acceptability of workplace risk.

  D. employers can’t be responsible for providing an ideally safe and healthy workplace.

With regard to health and safety at a workplace, _______ can be determined by comparing the probabilities of harm involved in various activities.


  A. absolute impediments

  B. variable obstacles

  C. relative risks

  D. comparative barriers

Recently, _______ became the first country to legalize child labor from the age of 10.


  A. Ecuador

  B. Bolivia

  C. Colombia

  D. Peru

Enlightened self-interest would be a valuable theory to introduce and apply in the _______ approach to health and safety.


  A. integrative

  B. acceptable risk

  C. government-regulated

  D. market-controlled

Advertising distorts the economy by


  A. manipulating prices for promotion to gain a foothold in a market.

  B. internalizing market externalities.

  C. preventing free market economy.

  D. creating irrational and trivial consumer wants

In selling a product, a business offers tacit assurances that the product is reasonably suitable for its purpose. The law refers to this as the


  A. implied warranty of merchantability.

  B. doctrine of caveat lector.

  C. implied warranty of productivity.

  D. doctrine of caveat emptor

Marketing experts consider stealth marketing extraordinarily effective because


  A. consumers don’t question the message as they might challenge a traditional advertising campaign.

  B. the consumer’s guard isn’t down while accepting the message.

  C. consumers seek out the communicator’s vested interest.

  D. consumers don’t see the communication as too personal and often tend to trust an advertisement or other marketing material much more than they would trust the communicator.

Employers’ interest in ensuring the efficiency and ethical behavior of their employees can raise ethical issues around the individual’s


  A. right to protection.

  B. right to privacy.

  C. technological privacy.

  D. assessment of risk

According to ethicists Thomas Donaldson and Thomas Dunfee, the right to _______ is an example of a hypernorm.


  A. physical movement

  B. intelligence gathering

  C. armed protest

  D. public information

Which of the following acts grants access to sensitive data with only a court order rather than a judicial warrant and imposes or enhances civil and criminal penalties for knowingly or intentionally aiding terrorists?


  A. The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act

  B. The USA Patriot Act

  C. The Federal Information Security Management Act

  D. The USA Freedom Act

Manipulation focuses on which of the following?


  A. deceiving a person.

  B. total control of direction or management.

  C. taking total control over an individual’s actions.

  D. guiding or directing behavior.

The Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure governs only the public sector workplace because


  A. the Constitution applies only to government action.

  B. unions exist only in public sector organizations.

  C. the private sector doesn’t cater to appeals of unreasonable search or seizure.

  D. only public sector organizations deal with classified information

A consumer’s consent to purchase a product is not informed if that consumer is


  A. asked to buy the product without a warranty.

  B. unwilling to listen to the product details from the salesperson.

  C. being misled or deceived about the product.

  D. injured after using the product and filing a product liability suit.

Critics in both industry and government argue that OSHA should aim to achieve the optimal, rather than the highest, level of safety. _______ analysis can be used to achieve this goal.


  A. Cost-effectiveness

  B. Cost-benefit

  C. Cost-minimization

  D. Cost-utility

  _______ refers to the body of law comprised of the decisions handed down by courts, rather than specified in any particular statutes or regulations.


  A. Constitutional law

  B. Common law

  C. Civil law

  D. Statutory law