NO EXPLANATION NEEDED 20 minutes ANSWER A B C or D   An example of…



An example of an institutional weakness that undermines contract enforcement is what?


  Freedom indices
  Monetary systems
  Court capacity


Question 2 (1 point)










The globalization of __________ refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production (such as labour, energy, land, and capital).

Question 2 options:

  information technology
  process design


Question 3 (1 point)




The _______________ system evolved in England over hundreds of years and is based on tradition, precedent, and custom.

Question 3 options:

  contract law
  common law
  economic law


Question 4 (1 point)



_______ are the two macro factors that seem to underlie the trend toward greater globalization.

Question 4 options:

  The decline in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital that has occurred in the past 10 years, and the slowdown in technological change
  Technological change and the convergence of global product preferences
  The increase in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital that has occurred since the end of World War II, and global economic stability
  The increase in global economic stability, and the slowdown in technological change
  The decline in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital that has occurred since the end of World War II, and technological change


Question 5 (1 point)










Experience has demonstrated that state ownership of the means of production:

Question 5 options:

  is the most efficient way to organize production
  leads to increased inefficiency, higher prices and higher taxes
  is the most profitable way to organize production
  often runs counter to the public interest
  often runs in parallel with the public interest


Question 6 (1 point)










According to Hofstede’s Model, which group of nations score high on the individualism scale and low on the power distance scale?

Question 6 options:

  Middle East countries such as Turkey, Syria and Iran
  advanced western nations such as the United States, Canada, and Britain
  Asian nations such as Japan, South Korea, and Singapore
  South American nations such as Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador
  African nations such as Zaire, Sudan, and Chad


Question 7 (1 point)










The idea that managers should consider the social consequences of economic actions when making business decisions is known as what?

Question 7 options:

  dereliction of fiduciary duty
  corporate social responsibility
  moral courage
  justice theory
  moral centralism


Question 8 (1 point)










A firm’s _________ are individuals or groups that have an interest or claim in what the company does and in how well it performs:

Question 8 options:

  righteous moralists


Question 9 (1 point)










__________ refers to a system that stresses the primacy of collective goals over individual goals.

Question 9 options:



Question 10 (1 point)










After World War II, the West committed to removing trade barriers between nations because of what experience?

Question 10 options:

  the shift away from production to consumption
  the loss of production from the war
  the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  retaliatory trade policies leading to the Depression
  massive waves of immigrants seeking jobs


Question 11 (1 point)










Collectively, we refer to political, economic, and legal systems as constituting the _______ economy of a country.

Question 11 options:



Question 12 (1 point)










Although there are many different aspects of social structure, two main dimensions __________ and __________ stand out when explaining differences between cultures.

Question 12 options:

  the degree to which the basic unit of social organization is the group; the degree to which the basic unit of society is a clique
  the degree to which the basic unit of social organization is the individual; the degree to which a society is stratified into classes or castes
  the degree to which the basic unit of social organization is the individual; the degree to which a society is heterogeneous
  the degree to which there are different languages the degree to which there are income differences
  the degree to which the basic unit of social organization is the extended family; the degree to which the basic unit of society is heterogeneous


Question 13 (1 point)










Since the late 1980s two major trends have emerged in the political economies of many of the world’s national states. These are:

Question 13 options:

  a wave of democratic revolutions have swept the world and there has been a strong move away from centrally planned and mixed economies toward more free market economies.
  a wave of totalitarian revolutions have swept the world and there has been a strong move away from centrally planned and mixed economies toward more free market economies.
  a wave of socialistic revolutions have swept the world and there has been a strong move away from free market economies toward more centrally planned and mixed economies.
  a wave of communist revolutions have swept the world and there has been a strong move away from free market economies toward more centrally planned economies.
  a wave of consumer empowerment and there has been a strong move away from common law and towards civil code.


Question 14 (1 point)










The violation of _______________ can be violated in two ways—through private action and through public action.

Question 14 options:

  individual rights
  property rights


Question 15 (1 point)










The _______ is seen as the lender of last resort to nation-states whose economies are in turmoil and currencies are losing value against those of other nations.

Question 15 options:

  Bank of Canada
  International bank
  International Monetary Fund
  Canada’s Export Development Corporation
  United Nations


Question 16 (1 point)










According to our textbook, the growing integration of the world economy is:

Question 16 options:

  increasing the intensity of global competition in manufacturing industries, and decreasing the intensity of domestic competition in services
  increasing the intensity of competition within the home market of a company in a wide range of manufacturing and service industries
  narrowing the scope of global competition in a wide range of service, commodity, and manufacturing industries
  Widening the opportunities for competing with manufacturing companies within their home market and narrowing the opportunities for competing with service companies in their home market.
  decreasing the intensity of global competition in manufacturing industries, and increasing the intensity of domestic competition in services


Question 17 (1 point)










People who work for or own the company such as employees, board of directors, and stockholders are better identified as _________.

Question 17 options:

  venture capitalists
  external shareholders
  external stakeholders
  internal stakeholders
  direct stakeholders


Question 18 (1 point)










External stakeholder groups would most likely be comprised of all but which one of the following?

Question 18 options:

  local communities
  trade unions


Question 19 (1 point)










__________ are situations in which none of the available alternatives seem ethically acceptable.

Question 19 options:

  Personal crises
  Moral obligations
  Social responsibilities
  Ethical dilemmas
  Ethical behaviours


Question 20 (1 point)




Canada could be described as having elements of both a __________ economy and a ___________ economy.

Question 20 options:

  command; regional
  market; regional
  mixed; regional
  market; mixed
  command; mixed


Question 21 (1 point)










Which of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions focuses on how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities?

Question 21 options:

  power distance
  uncertainty avoidance
  individualism versus collectivism
  time orientation
  masculinity versus femininity


Question 22 (1 point)










“PPP” in the term “Gross Domestic Product (PPP)” is an acronym that stands for:

Question 22 options:

  power purchasing procedures
  purchasing power parity
  parallel parametric purchasing
  procurement priority procedures
  priority patent procedures


Question 23 (1 point)










Many of the ethical issues and dilemmas in international business are rooted in the fact of differences in all BUT which one of the following?

Question 23 options:

  economic development
  political systems
  monetary systems


Question 24 (1 point)