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Subject: Algebra

Course: BSPA 254



BUSINESS Plan Idea in Day Spa in Canada


Your Business Name[1] 


Your Logo[2] 




















Business Plan Prepared By



Your Name

Your Title

Your Company Address With

City, State and Zip Code

Your Phone Numbers

Your e-mail and Web Addresses



Date Prepared


Month, Year


Table of Contents


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………………………….. 5[3] 


MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION…………………………………………………………….. 6[4] 

         Management Team                                                                                                      6

         Compensation and Ownership………………………………………………………………………… 6

         Infrastructure……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

         Insurance……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

         Employee Stock Option ………………………………………………………………………………… 6


PRODUCT/SERVICE……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

         Purpose of the Product/Service                                                                                   7

         Unique Features……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

         Environmental Factors…………………………………………………………………………………… 8


MARKETING PLAN………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

         Industry Profile                                                                                                            9

               Current Size………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

               Growth Potential……………………………………………………………………………….. 9

               Geographic Locations………………………………………………………………………… 9

               Industry Trends………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

               Profit Characteristics…………………………………………………………………………. 9

         Competition Profile                                                                                                     9

         Customer Profile                                                                                                          9            

         Target Market Profile                                                                                                  9            

         Pricing Profile                                                                                                            10            

         Gross Margin on Products/Services                                                                          10            

         Break-Even Analysis                                                                                                 10

         Market Penetration                                                                                                    10            

               Distribution Channels………………………………………………………………………… 9

               Sales Representatives……………………………………………………………………….. 10

               Direct-Sales Force……………………………………………………………………………. 10

               Direct Mail/Telemarketing………………………………………………………………… 10

         Advertising and Promotion                                                                                        10

         Pandemic and Recession Strategy                                                                             10


OPERATING AND CONTROL SYSTEMS……………………………………………………………… 12

         Administrative Policies, Procedures and Controls                                                    12

               Receiving Orders……………………………………………………………………………… 12

               Billing the Customers……………………………………………………………………….. 12

               Paying the Suppliers…………………………………………………………………………. 12

               Collecting the Accounts Receivable……………………………………………………. 12

               Reporting to Management…………………………………………………………………. 12

               Staff Development…………………………………………………………………………….. 12

               Inventory Control…………………………………………………………………………….. 12

               Handling Warranties and Returns………………………………………………………. 12

               Monitoring the Company Budgets………………………………………………………. 12

               Security Systems………………………………………………………………………………. 12

         Documents and Paper Flow                                                                                       13

         Planning Chart                                                                                                           13

               Product/Service Development……………………………………………………………. 13

               Manufacturing…………………………………………………………………………………. 13

               Financial Requirements…………………………………………………………………….. 13

               Marketing Flow Chart………………………………………………………………………. 13

               Market Penetration…………………………………………………………………………… 13

               Management and Infrastructure…………………………………………………………. 13

         Risk Analysis                                                                                                             13

         Salvaging Assets                                                                                                        13            


GROWTH PLAN…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

         New Offerings to Market                                                                                           14

         Capital Requirements                                                                                                14            

         Personnel Requirements                                                                                            14            

         Exit Strategy                                                                                                              14


FINANCIAL PLAN…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

         Sales Projections                                                                                                        15

         Income Projections                                                                                                    15

         Cash Requirements                                                                                                    15

         Sources of Financing                                                                                                 15



         Attached Financial Projections                                                                                  16

               Cash Flow for Three Years

               Income Statement for Three Years

               Balance Sheet for Three Years

               Ratio Analysis


SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS………………………………………………………………………………… 17







When and why was the company formed? What is the marketing history of the products and services?


Enter text here.[5] 



What business is your venture in, and what is the current stage of development? What is unique about the product or service, and what proprietary rights does the business have?

Enter text here.



What form of organization does the business operate under, and why? Who are the key management personnel, and what skills do they have to help the business? Who are the key support groups for your management team?

Enter text here.



What is the market like in terms of the industry, the customer, customer needs, product/service benefits, the venture’s target markets, and the market penetration plan? Who are the major competitors, and what are their strengths and weaknesses?

Enter text here.






Management Team

What is the role(s) of the entrepreneur? Who are the key management personnel, and what are their job descriptions and prior experiences?

Enter text here.


Compensation and Ownership

What is the compensation package for the entrepreneur and the management team? What is the ownership, including any warrants or stock options that are owned by the entrepreneur and management team?

Enter text here.



Who are key outside advisors, such as accountants, lawyers, or consultants, and what is their compensation package?

Enter text here.



If you have a buy-sell agreement, who will be insured in terms of life insurance policies on key personnel for which the company is the beneficiary?

Enter text here.


Employee Stock Option

What employee stock option or other incentive plans will be in effect? 

Enter text here.





Purpose of the Product/Service

What is the purpose of the product/service? How does the product/service benefit the customer? Does it solve a problem or address an opportunity; is it a luxury item or a needed item?

Enter text here.


Unique Features

What are the unique features of the product/service, such as cost, design, quality, capabilities?

Enter text here.            


Environmental Factors

What is the potential environmental impact of the product or service? What steps will the company take to protect the environment? What environmental agencies regulate the product or service?

Enter text here.







Industry Profile

Current Size

What is the current size of your industry?

Enter text here.


Growth Potential

Is this a growth, stable, or declining industry?

Enter text here.


Geographic Locations

Is your industry located in a specific area of the country?

Enter text here.


Industry Trends

What are the trends in the industry? What effect does technology have on the business?

Enter text here.


Profit Characteristics

What are the profit characteristics for your industry?

Enter text here.


Competition Profile

What is the profile of the competition? What is your competitive advantage?

Enter text here.


Customer Profile

What is the profile of the intended customer? What are the reactions to the product/service from prospective customers?

Enter text here.


Target Market Profile

What is the target market, size, and cost of market penetration?

Enter text here.


Pricing Profile

What is the pricing structure? What are your policies on negotiating a price for large orders or on special price deals for penetrating the market? How is the pricing structure sensitive to the customer’s buying points?

Enter text here.


Gross Margin on Products/Services

What is the gross margin potential? What are the industry’s pricing policies? Do you differ?

Enter text here.


Break-Even Analysis

What is the break-even point for your product/service?

Enter text here.


Market Penetration

Distribution Channels

What distribution channels will be used for selling the product or service to the end user?

Enter text here.


Direct Marketing (Direct Mail/Email/Online)

How will direct marketing be used as an approach for selling the product/service to the end user?

Enter text here.


Advertising and Promotion

What advertising and promotion media will be used for the distribution system and end users?

Enter text here.


Pandemic and Recession Strategy

Will you save 1-10% of your sales for an emergency fund? Pivot online sales and selling products, custom packages?

Enter text here.







Administrative Policies, Procedures and Controls

Receiving Orders

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used for receiving orders?

Enter text here.


Billing the Customers

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used for billing the customers?

Enter text here.


Paying the Suppliers

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used for paying the suppliers?

Enter text here.


Collecting the Accounts Receivable

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used for collecting the accounts receivable? Will you have a separate collection department?  Use a collection agency?  Use factoring?

Enter text here.


Reporting to Management

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used for reporting to management?

Enter text here.


Staff Development

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used for staff development?

Enter text here.


Inventory Control

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used to control inventory?

Enter text here.


Handling Warranties and Returns

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used for handling warranties and returns?

Enter text here.


Monitoring the Company Budgets

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used to monitor the company budgets?

Enter text here.


Security Systems

What administrative policies, procedures, and controls will be used for providing security for the business?

Enter text here.


Documents and Paper Flow

What will be the flow of information throughout the system? What documents are needed to prepare for a transaction?

Enter text here.


Planning Chart

Product/Service Development

When will the product/service be ready to market?

Enter text here.



What is the production schedule?

Enter text here.


Financial Requirements

When will the money be needed?

Enter text here.


Marketing Flow Chart

When will the advertising be placed, brochures be developed, and the like?

Enter text here.


Market Penetration

What is the schedule for market penetration?

Enter text here.


Management and Infrastructure

When will additional management team be hired and in what order? When will the infrastructure be used and for what period of time?

Enter text here.


Risk Analysis

What are the potential problems, risks, and other possible negative factors that the venture might face?

Enter text here.


Salvaging Assets

What could be salvaged or recovered if any of the above risks do materialize and make the venture unsuccessful?

Enter text here.







New Offerings to Market

What new products/services, store locations, distribution options will the venture pursue in the future? What new marketplaces will each of the new products/services penetrate? What will be the projected revenues from the new products/services, store locations, and distribution options for the next three to five years?

Enter text here.


Capital Requirements

What are the financial requirements for pursuing the new products, store locations, and distribution centers? How will you raise the needed capital for future growth?

Enter text here.


Personnel Requirements

What management personnel and other employees will be needed to support the projected growth?

Enter text here.


Exit Strategy

How will the growth plan enable the owner or investors to obtain an exit?

Enter text here.





Sales Projections

What are your sales projections for the next three years?  Where did you get the information to project financials?  Are the projections reasonable?

Enter text here.


Income Projections

What are your net income projections for the next three years?  Is your company currently profitable?  If not, when will it become profitable?

Enter text here.


Cash Requirements

How much cash will be required to cover start-up costs, operations, and/or growth?

Enter text here.


Sources of Financing

Based on cash requirements to start, maintain operations, or grow, will you seek debt or equity financing? How much is the cost of obtaining these funds?

Enter text here.






Attached Financial Projections[6] 


Cash Flow for Three Years
Income Statement for Three Years
Balance Sheet for Three Years
Ratio Analysis








Financial Worksheets
Historical Financial Statements
Resumes of Key Personnel
Legal Agreements
Marketing Materials
Insurance Documents
Press Releases or Articles
Market or Industry Studies