kingkb MY POST   Firstly, the manager will need to conduct a market…MY POST Firstly, the manager will need to conduct a market analysis himself to understand if the market transition will take place in the upcoming years and if this software will have relevance. Secondly, he will have to contact the companies who previously worked with this supplier regarding the supplier’s market image. Finally, the manager can also ask for the results of the software trial from the supplier or can create a trial period to run the software and derive the results to ensure the outcomes are positive [1]. The best way of evaluating the software will be using quantitative data from the trial run. Between the quantitative and qualitative data, usually empirical evidence can be better evaluated using the quantitative data, whereas qualitative data, based on theoretical constructs can be dependable and relative to the researcher’s perception [2]. This can escalate to biasness when the targeted finding is regarding the adoption of software in performance enhancement.  Sources will be primary in this case. The trial runs were conducted with a sample and they will be talked with directly to ensure that the original results were illustrated. Not only that but for the previous collaborator of the suppliers, insights will be gained by interviewing them directly. Finally, any possible trial runs will also be done primarily with the stakeholders of the organizations. Primary sources usually provide their personal experience directly and for secondary sources, the information gets turned in after being passed through numerous channels [3]. Hence, empirical evidence and decision-making based on the supplier’s capability will be best performed from primary sources, rather than secondary ones.  MY PEER POST As a manager at an engineering company, my role is to find new technologies to boost my team’s productivity. This new software package sounds intriguing, but I believe in doing thorough research before making any big decisions. I have learned in this course so far, to make informed decisions that will propel my team to success. I will dive deep into supplier backgrounds, client reviews, and chat with their current partners to examine their reputation. Quantitative data refers to data that can be represented by numerical values. Determining the number of competitors of the new supplier utilizing the same technology, the costs of time saved to developed projects faster, and the add-ons offered by the new supplier and their competitors would be some examples of the quantitative data that I would utilize. Qualitative data refers to descriptive data representing qualities that are observed. I would have my team use the demo of the new technology and answer an open-ended survey to determine how my team feels about this new technology. I would use qualitative data such as the data about the new supplier looking at customer reviews. This will help to determine if this would be a company we would want to partner with. Primary sources involve original, firsthand information directly related to your research or decision. Secondary sources provide information collected and analyzed by someone else.    In response to your peers, address the following:Can you spot bias or illogical or unethical arguments your peer’s initial post? Explain your response and give examples. BusinessBusiness – Other