

enchmark – Executive Summary

Start Date & Time

Jan 23, 2023, 12:00 AM

Due Date & Time

Jan 29, 2023, 11:59 PM

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Based on the Effect of Emerging Technology on the Economy of the Country assignment you completed in Topic 3, provide an executive summary  to recommend how the emerging technology could solve a problem in your country. Provide research and evidence that supports your summary. Use the following format:


Provide an overview of what you are recommending to an executive at an organization.

Identify the Problem

Describe the problem and its impact within the chosen country.

Propose a Solution

Describe an emerging technology (global or country-specific) that could be implemented to solve the problem.
Identify an organization that offers the emerging technology to solve the problem.

What Is Needed to Implement the Solution

Highlight potential obstacles based on economic, legal, and cultural factors within the country. For example, what the solution costs, return on investment, legal compliance, competition, market entry barriers, cultural customs and values, and available resources.
Identify a local business partner within the selected country that could help the organization advance the proposed emerging technology.





Impact of Emerging Technology on the Economy of the Country of Singapore


Richard L. House Jr.

 Grand Canyon University

BUS-390: Global Business

Professor Carol Kensler

December 11, 2022



Impact of Emerging Technology on the Economy of the Country of Singapore

            I like a challenge and love learning about other countries. I knew about training and have learned more about globalization in the last few weeks. This paper will allow me to see the emergence of technology and how it is effective in Singapore. Singapore is one of the most technological countries and I hope I can demonstrate just how impressive their technology can be


Problems in Singapore and Who is Affected

Singapore has a very well-diversified economy and 71 percent of its workers are in the service sector while 29 million are in the manufacturing sector. When it comes to technology Singapore is continually upgrading production to try and remain at the forefront of the industry. The biggest problems Singapore faces are costs and skills. Singapore has identified that they lack highly skilled staff, which affects the business of Singapore. Singapore’s economy and lack of high-skilled workers have affected half of ASEAN’s high-skill and technology-intensive manufacturing exports. (Impact of Technology Transformation on Singapore’s Jobs and Businesses: ILO Findings – HR in ASIA, n.d.). The socio-economic cost of the problem will ultimately be a threat to the business economy in the future. With the lack of skilled workers and cost the business in Singapore are now looking outside the country for skilled labor. Singapore is very dependent on China and the United States, and they fear they may lose their democratic practices and freedom by being so dependent on China. However, China no longer buys the type of goods produced by Singapore oversea which has allowed the production in Singapore (Tug of More: How Might Global Economic Changes Affect Singapore, n.d.-b).  This all affects individuals in their countries, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Thailand.  Therefore, the cost of products received by individuals in the countries has increased and lack of supply to meet demand. This also hurts individuals in their country the workers and the least fortunate by reduction of finances and loss of jobs are coming. 

Emerging Technologies in Singapore

Singapore has a lot to offer as far as technology and many can say they are ahead of the game.  I found some very interesting technologies that Singapore is developing or putting into effect, which are great ideas. Cashless Payments, Self-driving cars, Smart Streets, Smart Living, and Robotic police.  “EDB Singapore estimates that by 2022 the data analytics services will reach $37 billion on technology trend” (In 2022how Much Has Singapore Spent on Technology – Zoeken, n.d.-b).  Cashless payments individuals will not have to carry cash almost making it a non-necessity. Customers will have the ability to pay with QR codes, smartphones, and various bank wallet apps. 

 Self-driving cars are a sci-fi lover’s dream. In Singapore, it is becoming a reality they are “introducing the world’s first driverless taxi system” (Writer, 2022). The concept is to be able to book your car using a smartphone. The vehicle will be designed to use a dedicated portion of the streets and for now only in certain areas.  

Smart streets will have special lamp posts that will help monitor the streets and even help in the crime situation. They will light up and video and face recognition sensors if a scream or car crash is heard and will light and alert different weather changes.

Smart Living allows them to have security at home. They will have sensors that will keep the home under climate control, turn lights off and on, and allow you to keep an eye on and monitor any individual at your houses such as children or elderly relatives.

Robotic Police These robots are assigned specific areas and can run either with or without a remote. They will have built-in cameras they will be totally autonomous.  They also use drones with sirens and searchlights for policing purposes. These are some interesting devices that can be significant and can really open up an opportunity for exports to other countries. 

The 6 D’s of disruption and the Hype Cycle.

Research has shown that Singapore is one of the most wired and technologically advanced, communication advanced markets in the world. The Hype Cycle in Singapore is very high they have come up with many new innovations and are constantly innovating new technology that can and will be in demand by countries all over the world. The first is digitized disruption rideshare apps are a great example of digital disruption in Singapore. Taxi services are very important and specialized in Singapore. Rideshare apps have disrupted the fundamentals of taxi services in the country. The disruption has been so disruptive they have now invented their own type of ridesharing the self-driving car for taxis in the country. People will be apprehensive to get in a car with no driver I know I would.

The second disruption is deceptive the concept is to get rid of time-managed old fashion lighting posts in the country. The change to Led lighting will save energy but will the system work as expected and deliver the performance they seek to achieve from the technology?

The third disruption is disruptive. Is like taking away the market and replacing it with a new market. When I look at the new technology, I talked about above I would say the robot cops would be a disruption. Police and law enforcement have been around for many years in Singapore they have law enforcement officials that take care of the issue and make sure every citizen is safe and the country stays safe. The robot cop would like to replace men and the human connectivity and the human element of law enforcement officials and agencies.

The fourth disruption is demonetized Cashless payment would be a disruption. There is a continuous number of groups out there who seek to steal and hack information. This could be a disruption to their cashless payment technology. They would have to make the software impenetrable and allow true and completely free from being hacked. and make it user-friendly and security does not need to be an issue.

The fifth disruption is dematerialized the robot cop is supposed to be autonomous but their bulky and mechanical texture would create issues on sidewalks or walkways where the normal human office would be able to fit right in and coexist.

The sixth disruption is Democratized the robot cop could be used to be programmed and performed normal human tasks. Many wealthy businesses may purchase rights to develop them into workers to replace their staff or use at their own houses to take care of tasks around the house.

Fostering Sustainability

The emerging technology that fosters sustainability is a must-have in every region and country. The Smart Streets will be designed to save on energy and help give updated weather and climate result and have face imaging sensors this will help citizens feel safe and get out and be productive. Robot cops will help with efficient safety control and will not require payroll expenses, allowing more money to go into other government programs. The self-driving car will allow for a method of transportation for people to easily access and have a path that is designated to make the commute less congested and very efficient and on time. Cashless payments will allow for shorter lines at ATMs or banks. Money could be direct deposited, and purchases made simply from a smartphone or any card.

Existing MNC Implementation

Existing multinational corporations in Singapore are numerous. Some of the MNCs that I see that can implement the emerging technology are Bosh, UPS, and General Motors. Bosh is a company that specializes in automotive technology. Bosh could use the emerging technology to help sustain its company by getting into the self-driving car business by selling replacement parts and manufacturing parts to help build the process and test and solve any issues with the technology. UPS could use self-driving vehicles, robots, and drones to make deliveries more efficient on time and have many more options than they do right now. Faster deliveries would make people more dependable on using their service and having drones and robots to deliver the products help keep on time and takes the worries of packages being stolen or broken into. General Motors could use the technology of all of these to make their business sustainable by using the technology in the self-driving car and rots to make more reliable and more modern technological cars, allow for easier purchasing using cashless pricing, use the led to make less battery power, allowing to power to be distributed better throughout the vehicle. 

I have never visited Singapore, and I have never left the United States, if I had the chance I would love to go and see the emergence of technology they have going on there.  I wonder what other technology they have that I have not discovered and that has not hit our country yet.  The emerging technology I mention we may have a smaller similar version but nothing to the extent to which they have and sustain in Singapore.


Impact of Technology Transformation on Singapore’s Jobs and Businesses: ILO Findings – HR in ASIA. (n.d.).

Tug Of More: How Might Global Economic Changes Affect Singapore. (n.d.-b).

in 2022how much has singapore spent on technology – Zoeken. (n.d.-b).

Writer, G. (2022, May 16). 7 Technological Advancements That Make Singapore a Smart City. IoT for All.