Marlee is the mother of Lowanna, a 6 year old girl who attends your…

Marlee is the mother of Lowanna, a 6 year old girl who attends your school. Marlee arrives

to drop Lowanna off very distressed. Marlee says their partner Aalam has been very

depressed and won’t seek help. Aalam has been explosive and unpredictable lately often

getting annoyed with Lowanna.

Aalam became agitated when Marlee and Lowanna were

getting in the car, accusing Marlee of wanting to leave Aalam. Aalam pushed Marlee to the

ground and kicked Marlee several times.

Finally, Marlee was able to get away and drove

straight to the school.

Marlee says they hopes Lowanna couldn’t see from the car. As you

talk to Marlee, you notice that Lowanna is clinging to their mother. Lowanna is crying


Scenario 2: School based (5-12 years)

Lenne is a 5 year old boy who attends the school you are employed at. Lenne has a good

relationship with both the staff and their peers. Lenne is usually well behaved in class and

likes to participate in most activities.

After the last school holidays, Lenne has starting

picking fights with their peers. Lenne has become aggressive towards a male staff member

and fathers bringing their children to the school and has started swearing. Lenne keeps to

themself. Lenne has started wearing jumpers and long pants even on warmer days and

shows signs of being overheated. When encouraged to take of their jumper Lenne says

that they were told they are not allowed to take it off.

After further discussion and

insistence due to the fact that Lenne is overheating, Lenne agrees to take it off revealing a

mass of red welts and recent scarring. Lenne says, “Dad told me not to take off my jumper,

will I get into trouble now?

I don’t want Dad to hurt me again.”

You overhear a group of staff discussing and talking about Lenne and making judgemental

comments about the family. One of them said that the family are real low-lives and don’t

understand why people bother having children at all. The staff continued to discuss the

incident among themselves with little regard for their whereabouts and that other children

were around.


 fill the form according to the above scenarios



Appendix 1: 

Risk of Significant Harm (RoSH) Report 1
Child and/or Young Persons Details:
Child/young persons name                                                                                        
Date of birth                                                                                       Age
Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the child/young person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home 

Does the child/young person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities

Does the child/young person attend school?  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record name of school, address and phone number

Care arrangements/Legal Status

? Lives with Parent/s (no parental conditions) ? Lives with Parent/s (with conditions: (please specify)   

? Under the care of the Minister (please specify) 

? Other (please specify) 

Parents/Carers/Significant Others Details

Person 1


Date of Birth / Age

Relationship to child/young person



Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home

Does the person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities


Person 2


Date of Birth / Age

Relationship to child/young person



Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home

Does the person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities


Person 3


Date of Birth / Age

Relationship to child/young person



Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home

Does the person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities


Person 4


Date of Birth / Age

Relationship to child/young person



Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home

Does the person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities


Risk of Significant Harm Information

Risk of Significant Harm Identified 

? Physical Abuse        ? Neglect ? Sexual Abuse    ? Psychological Harm  ? Danger to Self or Others 

? Domestic and Family Violence ? Cumulative Harm  ? Homelessness ? Other (please specify

Details of the Significant Harm 


Additional comments


Reporter details





Online Mandatory Reporter Guide (MRG) accessed 

? Yes  ? No  ? N/A 


Recommended Response from MRG [Record Outcome from MRG]