Mack (3 years) attends childcare five days per week. Mack has a…

Mack (3 years) attends childcare five days per week. Mack has a 2-year-old brother, Adrian. Mack has no contact with their father however, Adrian, sees their father intermittently. Mack’s mother, Alice, lives with Alice’s current partner, Jian. 

The family are also known to a number of community support agencies who regularly assist with food and clothing for the children.

Mack tends to assume a protective role with Adrian. Mack is very self-sufficient and often takes whatever food Mack can find in the house for them both. At childcare, Mack tends to be a loner. Mack finds it difficult to share and likes to spend time doing puzzles, drawing, playing with construction sets, and looking at books. Adrian also attends the centre and Mack insists on checking on Adrian several times a day.

It is 9:45 am and Mack and Adrian arrive at the centre with Jian. The children are wearing the same clothes they have worn for the previous two days. Adrian’s nappy is soaking, and his pants are wet. Adrian is bathed and changed and Kim (Adrian’s Educator) notes that he has quite severe nappy rash. It is a warm day and Mack is wearing a long-sleeved top and jeans. Mack is persuaded to remove their top and put on a T-shirt. Kim notices that Mack has bruises of different colours on both of his upper arms. He also has a purple-reddish bruise on his forehead.

Several of the staff later comment to the Director that the children ‘would be better off without Alice and Jian’. The Director acknowledges that the situation is very stressful and reminds the team that they must act in an ethical manner. It is not up to the team to judge the family, but only to advocate for the best interests of the children. The Director reminds staff not to discuss the incident with other parents. 

Staff follow the Director’s instruction but continue to discuss the incident amongst themselves without regard for their whereabouts or who is around when holding these discussions. One staff member continues to remark “it would be so much easier if we only had to work with the children and didn’t have to think about the parents.” Many of the remaining staff laugh at this and agree.



Risk of Significant Harm (RoSH) Report 1
Child and/or Young Persons Details:
Child/young persons name                                                                                        
Date of birth                                                                                       Age
Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the child/young person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home 

Does the child/young person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities

Does the child/young person attend school?  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record name of school, address and phone number

Care arrangements/Legal Status

? Lives with Parent/s (no parental conditions) ? Lives with Parent/s (with conditions: (please specify)   

? Under the care of the Minister (please specify) 

? Other (please specify) 

Parents/Carers/Significant Others Details

Person 1


Date of Birth / Age

Relationship to child/young person



Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home

Does the person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities


Person 2


Date of Birth / Age

Relationship to child/young person



Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home

Does the person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities


Person 3


Date of Birth / Age

Relationship to child/young person



Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home

Does the person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities


Person 4


Date of Birth / Age

Relationship to child/young person



Gender ? Male ? Female

Does the person need an Interpreter:  ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record Language spoken at home

Does the person have any disability? ? Yes ? No ? N/A 

Record details of any disabilities


Risk of Significant Harm Information

Risk of Significant Harm Identified 

? Physical Abuse        ? Neglect ? Sexual Abuse    ? Psychological Harm  ? Danger to Self or Others 

? Domestic and Family Violence ? Cumulative Harm  ? Homelessness ? Other (please specify

Details of the Significant Harm 


Additional comments


Reporter details





Online Mandatory Reporter Guide (MRG) accessed 

? Yes  ? No  ? N/A 


Recommended Response from MRG [Record Outcome from MRG]