    Lesson 04: Preparing for the Hunt Objectives: Understand the…



Lesson 04: Preparing for the Hunt


Understand the importance of a job search business card
Understand the elements that make up a complete resume
Understand the elements of a writing cover letter and thank you notes to prospective employers
Use various networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.
Remain motivated to find a job


Directions: Complete ALL of the following activities on one word document. Save this document to your computer. Please label the activity and task clearly. Use the Browse or Find function to attach, and then click on Submit to upload your document for grading.


No matter what the age or position, the steps to looking for a job are the same. The following activities present several articles that provide solid advice instructing what a person should do to look for and land the job they desire. Start by reading the article,”7 Essential Tools for Job Search” found at http://careersherpa.net/7-essential-tools-for-job-search/ . As you work through the following activities, keep the purpose of these seven tools in mind and why they are important to have them prepared before your job search.


Activity #1: Networking Business Card

X X 1. Create a business card front and back on a word document.

As a high school student you probably already have some great experiences that you can list, think about academic skills, involvement in volunteer experiences, and clubs or sports activities.

Be sure to follow the tips and techniques the articles below to create a professional business card that promotes your experiences and skills. (Read both of these articles)

X “Why Teens Should Start Networking in High School”, by Elisa Sheftic at http://www.careerealism.com/networking-high-school/ .

X “Business Cards: A Job Search Tool” LiveCareer.com Advice or U.S. News Business Cards


Activity #2: Resume

X X 2. Create a Resume on your word document.

To get a good understanding and foundation for building your resume, read the Mayor’s Youth Council of Boston, “Teen Resume Guide”. As you read through this document you will quickly see that it guides you through

the whole resume writing process. http://www.cityofboston.gov/Images_Documents/Teen_Resume_Guide_tcm3-31427.pdf.

Also, visit this link and use the activities to create your own resume. https://www.vawizard.org/wizard/careersPractice


Activity #3: Cover Letter – a letter of introduction.

X X 3. Create a Cover Letter on your word document.

For the purpose of this activity, find a job you are interested in applying. Post the position, copy and paste it to a word document. Below the posted position, begin the cover letter.

Open the Career One Stop website, http://www.careeronestop.org/JobSearch/Resumes/cover-letters.aspx Thoroughly read the cover letter web page, and pay special attention to the subtitle, “Types of cover letters” the

first bullet point, Invited cover letter, is the style of cover letter that you will be writing for this activity. Click on, cover letter template use the layout and format suggestions to create your cover letter.


Activity #4: The Interview

X Answer the following questions:

In this activity you will prepare for the job interview [the same job from the last activity where you wrote a cover letter] by responding to the following questions and statements. Continue to use the same word document as you did in the previous “cover letter” activity.

Visit this link and read the Teen Force Interview Tips for Teens tip sheet- https://ogburn.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Teen-Force-Interview-Tips.pdf

4) What is the job description? What skills do you have for this position?

5) What will make you stand out from the other applicants applying for this job?

6) Provide three examples of success at your current job, school, or clubs/activities.

7) Explain how you will dress and groom for the interview. Explain why this is important.

8) Research the company you will interview. Explain at least five things you discovered about the company.

9) Prepare five questions to ask the interviewer.

10) Explain what you should do after the interview.


Activity #5: Thank you Letter –

X X 11) Create a Thank You Letter on your word document.

Sending a thank you letter or note after the job interview is highly recommended. Read the article, “Sending your thank you letter after the job interview”. Indeed.com Sample Letters

Write a thank you letter to the company to which you are applying. For the sake of this activity, you may have to create a fictitious name for the interviewer.


Activity #6: Reflection – As you worked through each of this module’s activities, many thoughts may have crossed your mind. Review each of these activities and reflect on your job preparation plan of action.

X X 12. Identify the steps you need to take to prepare yourself for the job interviewing process.

X X 13. Explain in detail why these steps are necessary.

X X 14. You just finished reading through various sites about how to prepare yourself for an interview. Identify and describe at least three (3) points that this lesson did not address but you think are important for creating a personal job plan.