Leading Digital Transformation in Retail. (Resource)   In the…

Leading Digital Transformation in Retail. (Resource)


In the United States, store closures have outpaced store openings, and several large retail discount stores have declared bankruptcy. Amazon and other online digital disruptors have had continued success and growth, using online sales, strategic digital transformation, and the data analytics to understand and reach customers. Leaders in the retail industry are struggling to respond to major disruptions in the marketplace that are occurring at unprecedented speed.


 address business problems related to leading organizations that are developing a digital strategy in transforming their business models.

High performance leadership requires overseeing technological change instead of being subject to it.
Leaders must identify their options for successfully integrating the digitalization of their business into their strategy, business models, and operations.
Part of building high-performing teams and leading effective decision-making is understanding leadership problems created from the emerging digitalized knowledge economy.
While digital technology is being adopted at a record pace, most leaders have not adapted sufficiently to meet the challenges that come with it.

The information contained in this topic document gives you examples of topic ideas from the academic literature. You should search the literature for a systematic review (see 8 Types of Systematic Reviews You Should Know for more information) to help you critically appraise relevant primary research related to your topic. Here are some examples of topics found in the literature:


Leadership and team dynamics for retail organization that work in a virtual environment.
Leader and team ability to keep up with the speed of organizational change resulting from the digital aspects of the business.
Retail leaders integrating their physical retail operations with their ecommerce units to address the needs of customers looking to buying a product, regardless of channel.

 synthesize trends in the field of leadership to scenarios encompassing emerging problems and gaps in practice in the retail sector that is engaged in leading digital transformation. You will choose your topic based on your review of scholarly, peer-reviewed, empirical, or practitioner sources.



Part 1



Evaluate the positive and negative aspects for leaders who are responding to the digital transformation of the business environment, comparing the findings in the scholarly and practitioner literature.
Make sure your evaluation considers the impacts and aspects of business performance.
Describe ways leaders are adapting to business problems with business model innovation in the digital age by integrating scientific information, business reports, and company examples.
Use the course readings and other resources that you have found in the scholarly and practitioner literature as the basis for your description.
Evaluate the effectiveness of leadership strategies used to create a competitive advantage in a digital world based on models, theories, and practices.


Prepare a Harvard Business Review article proposal package based on a leading digital transformation topic. Start by browsing Harvard Business Review articles in the strategy and innovation topics areas and reviewing the Harvard Business Review’s Guidelines for Contributors.

Write a proposal to the editor for an article that you would like to develop, addressing the following points. It does not need to be in a question-and-answer format.

What is the central message of the article you propose to write?
What is important, useful, new, or counterintuitive about your idea?
Why do managers need to know about it? How can your idea be applied today?
What is the source of your authority? On what previous work does this idea build?
What academic, professional, or personal experience will you draw on?