Leadership Management and Value of Diversity Capstone Proposal Form…

Leadership Management and Value of Diversity Capstone Proposal Form


Learning to recognize and utilize diversity differences is valuable. To the Veterans Health Administration, and too many other healthcare businesses, understanding these differences will ensure future growth in their organization because it impacts every aspect of management. The purpose of this study was to determine the principal skills needed for senior managers to build a successful diverse workplace, and to recognize ways to improve the value of a diverse workforce. Four respondents completed a set of interview questions addressing the skills needed to effectively manage a diverse workforce and how the value of diversity can be improved. Results of the data collection showed the top three leadership competencies needed for managing a successful diverse workplace are: the ability to listen effectively, be open-minded, and ability to empathize. Results and recommendations indicate that valuing diversity presents a healthy, innovative, and productive workforce. These findings have implications for executives who have spent or are planning to spend time, money, and personnel to manage cultural diversity in the workplace. 


Please all questions that are stated in the document.


Generally, what is the current state of this aspect of the business?  

Stay Big Picture and be bold!  Finish with what leaders must do to make the organization or the topic a success.



How will this study benefit business, i.e., cost savings, increased recruitment, and retention?

The study will benefit businesses by….



Why is this topic of interest to you, the researcher?  How has this topic impacted you professionally?

The researcher has a professional and personal interest in this topic because they have seen firsthand the benefits of ….and will use this study to add to their professional skill set.

This paragraph must be positive in tone without criticizing past and present employers.



What is the purpose of this business study?  What topic did you want to study, and focus on to learn and ultimately solve?

The purpose of this study was to….



What are the specifics of this business problem?

Describe that without effective leadership that organizations or initiatives fail.



Why is this business problem an opportunity to improve the business?

Describe that with effective leadership organizations can succeed. 

Take the negatives of the previous response No. 5 and describe the business successes that can be achieved.



What is your research question? 

Your project title, upper and lower case, in quotations followed by a period inside the quotation marks. 

Then a one-sentence descriptor of the project. 

A study to….



How will the data be collected, i.e., either interviews, surveys, or content analysis? 

In order to answer the research question, the researcher conducted…as the data collection method.



What do you want to learn from two to three industry experts? 

The researcher sought the insight and counsel of industry experts to better understand….



What two to three subjects will you contact, making sure they are industry leaders that can advance your career?

Subject 1 –

Subject 2 –

Subject 3 – 



What three to four questions will you ask your subjects? 

Italic only the questions. 

Be sure to craft a leadership-style question.

Question 1 –

Question 2 –

Question 3 –

Question 4 –