Leadership: Concept Generation   Discuss the concept of catalysts…

Leadership: Concept Generation


Discuss the concept of catalysts for change as related to leadership 


Introduce your leadership topic. Provide a leadership topic that is of interest to you.  develop an elevator pitch to describe and explain why this topic is relevant to business practitioners in the field of leadership and worthy of developing and conducting a Project. Cite at least two current practitioner and/or scholarly sources. 


Problem of Practice

Discuss the topic of studying business problems, and bring in the need for change leadership. Provide a discussion regarding leaders being catalysts for organizational change to overcome problems hindering their business operations. 


General business problem – what is happening throughout an industry or larger fields of participants. How is the problem manifesting? What adversity is being experienced? In other words, what harm does the general business problem create for the business practitioner? The general business problem is an umbrella problem that the specific business problem fits under.


Specific business problem – what narrowed group of participants are experiencing the problem (i.e., a specific organization, a specific type of business person, or department). How is the problem manifesting? What adversity is being experienced? In other words, what harm does the specific business problem create for the business practitioner? The specific business problem is a subproblem of the general business problem.


Gap in Practice

Discuss the topic of leading change in complex organizations. Consider that leaders need to change something in their company to address and overcome the problems they are experiencing. [one paragraph]


Gaps in practice exist when practitioners are not doing everything they could, are not doing things correctly, or could improve what they are doing. Gaps in practice lead to the problem. 

In a brief three-sentence paragraph, describe the gaps in practice leading to the problems. Cite at least one current practitioner and/or scholarly source. 


Purpose of the Project and Project Question

Write one sentence denoting the purpose of the project, ensuring alignment, consistency, and congruency with the specific problem. In the purpose statement, you will include the technique, the target population, and the geographic location. Then develop one project question, ensuring alignment, consistency, and congruency with the specific problem and purpose. 

Here is an example:

Specific Problem: The specific problem is that the percentage of women in the engineering workforce remains low and there is a net drain on female talent as more women choose to leave than are entering resulting in significant costs for engineering companies from talent discontinuity and unrealized business revenues (citation). 
Gap in Practice: Despite the emphasis placed on hiring women into engineering professions, the underrepresentation of women in the engineering workforce continues (citation), and the need for practitioners to fully understand and address the causes of the phenomenon continues (citation).
Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative inquiry project is to explore the reasons why a nationwide group of former American women engineers chose to leave the profession. 
PQ1: What are the reasons women engineers choose to leave the profession?


Justification of Technique

To justify the technique for the project, you must make a sound, logical, and strong argument for why the technique is best for you to collect data that is relevant to the topic, problem, purpose, gap, purpose, project questions, and specialization. 


Describe the technique and explain why you will use this technique. Explain how the technique aligns with the project questions you seek to answer.  


How does the technique align with the problem, purpose, gap, and project questions?

Why is the chosen technique appropriate and suitable for this project and topic? 

Why is the chosen technique better than one other technique you considered and then did not choose? 


How will using the technique result in collecting data relevant to answering, responding to, or informing the project questions? 



End with a strong concluding paragraph, reminding  of your topic, specialization, and rationale for conducting this project.