Instructions: Your task is to create a model in response to the…

Instructions: Your task is to create a model in response to the prompts in the quiz below. Be sure to apply a model from this class and include the relevant diagram(s) for that model. And don’t forget to use the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning framework to present your solution.


Phenomenon: Frying Chicken in Butter


Part 1:  Heating the Butter


Before Annie can fry her chicken breast, she needs to prepare the Butter. She takes three sticks of solid butter with a total mass of 500 grams (0.5 kg) directly from her fridge at temperature 4°C. Then, she heats the butter in a skillet on an electric stove for 3 minutes, at which point the butter just barely starts to bubble. 


Big Question:  What is the power supplied by the electric stove? (Not energy, but power.  You may assume the heating on the stove is 100% efficient.)


Use what you’ve learned in PHYS 2A so far to analyze the Butter on the Stove.


Include Temperature vs Energy and Energy Interaction diagrams as evidence in your response. Consider how many of each diagram(s) you need to fully model the process(es).
Use your diagrams to construct an equation that can be used to precisely answer the big question.
Make a clear claim that answers the question and provide detailed reasoning that connects your evidence to that claim.


Reminder: Use the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning framework to present your solutions. This means using a model from class including relevant, complete diagram(s) and explicitly writing out your reasoning.


Part 2:  Heating the Chicken Breast 


Annie takes her 0.15 kg of chicken from the refrigerator at 4°C and submerges it in the heated butter, just barely at the butter’s boiling point. Then she turns off the stove and places a lid on the skillet, so the system is thermally isolated, and she allows the butter and chicken to come to thermal equilibrium. 


Big Question: Is Annie’s chicken safe to eat after it comes to thermal equilibrium?  (Chicken should be cooked to 74°C (165°F) in order for it to be safe to eat. )


Assumption: We will model the “cooking” of the chicken in the simplest way possible. This means assuming the chicken does not change phase.


Use what you’ve learned in PHYS 2A so far to analyze the scenario described above.


Include Temperature vs Energy and Energy Interaction diagrams as evidence in your response. Consider how many of each diagram(s) you need to fully model the process(es).
Use your diagrams to construct an equation that can be used to precisely answer the big question.
Make a clear claim that answers the question and provide detailed reasoning that connects your evidence to that claim.


Reminder: Use the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning framework to present your solutions. This means using a model from class including relevant, complete diagram(s) and explicitly writing out your reasoning.


Maybe useful information: 


TMP, Butter = 34°C Cp,Solid Butter = 1.42 kJ/(kg°C) Hp,Melting Butter = 12 kJ/kg 
TBP, Butter = 100°C Cp,Liquid Butter = 2.72 kJ/(kg°C)  
TMP, Chicken = 905°C Cp,Solid Chicken = 1.47 kJ/(kg°C)   
[Watt] = [Joule/s] [kiloWatt] = [kiloJoule/s]  
              ?Ethermal = m Cp ?T                                 ?Ephase = ?m Hp