Instructions : Initial posters should post answers to at least two…


Initial posters should post answers to at least two (2) “Digging Deeper” quesiton’s and at least one (1) question for each case study by the date of “Initial Posts” as specified on the course calendar.  I ask that those not in the list of initial posters do not respond to any of my top-level questions until after the date of “Initial Posts”.  However, it is ok to respond to someone else’s initial post prior to that date.  Each student should make at least 5 “quality” posts by the end of this discussion.


Please, Answer below question in same order number: 


Digging deeper case study:


1. Discuss the way a CIO’s position relative to a company’s executive leadership team can influence the CIO’s ability to develop a strategic IT plan.  Please use examples from your work history if appropriate.


2. The textbook discusses why it is beneficial for the CIO be part of the company’s executive leadership team (ELT).  I call this having a “seat at the table”.  What advice do you have for those CIOs that currently do not have a seat at the table, but want one?


3. The author suggests on page 21 that IT plays a “bigger than equal role, when compared to other departments.”  Explain what is meant by this and argue for or against it.


4. Describe the relationship (if any) between a company’s “business strategy” and their “IT strategy”


5. Chapters 3 and 4 compare IT strategy to Chess and Military strategies, respectively.  The author describes how each are similar and yet still different.  Briefly describe another form of strategy that is analogous to IT strategy.


6. The author defines IT strategy as “the comprehensive bundle of people, processes and technology that will enable the achievement of IT’s mission”, p. 49.  This says nothing about the business strategy, even though the author dedicates several of the preceding pages and chapters to discussing the link between business strategy and IT strategy.  Why does the definition of IT strategy not reference business strategy?  Explain.


7. The author uses the term “directional awareness” when explaining IT strategy.  What does this mean?  Provide an example of “directional awareness” from your experience or a situation of which you are aware.


8. Figure 7.6 seems to suggest that additional components or deliberations may exist for a given strategy.  Describe one of which you are aware.  Be sure to assign it to one of the three disciplines, or perhaps explain how it is part of a possible fourth discipline.


9. Figure 7.7 presents deliberations with varying heights.  Explain what this means.  Provide a couple of examples that demonstrate this concept.


10. Describe a scenario from your experience where it was appropriate to bring in consultants to help create or execute an IT strategic plan


DBS Bank:


1. Identify the senior executives and their reporting relationship to the CEO at that time (including the CIO).  Does the CIO have a “seat at the table”?  What challenges/advantages will the CIO face because of their relationship to the CEO?


2. List the early business strategies proposed by the new CEO shortly after they started in the role.  Place the strategies in the appropriate quadrant of the SEAR imperative.


3. Consider the business strategy from the point of view of the CIO.  Remember, this is just after the CEO proposed the new business strategy.  The CIO needs to develop an IT strategy that will enable the business strategy.  How do you believe the CIO answered the following questions?

What actions will influence the desired outcomes?
How do we measure performance of the actions?
What behaviors favorably influence the measures?

(note: it may help to consider the technological solutions that were ultimately implemented and work backwards to the questions)


4.What forms of resistance do you think the CIO faced when implementing the IT strategy?



Bossard case study:


1. Identify the senior executives and their reporting relationship to the CEO at that time (including the CIO).  Does the CIO have a “seat at the table”?  What challenges/advantages will the CIO face because of their relationship to the CEO?


2. List the early business strategies proposed by the new CEO shortly after they started in the role.  Place the strategies in the appropriate quadrant of the SEAR imperative.


3. Consider the business strategy from the point of view of the CIO.  Remember, this is just after the CEO proposed the new business strategy.  The CIO needs to develop an IT strategy that will enable the business strategy.  How do you believe the CIO answered the following questions?

What actions will influence the desired outcomes?
How do we measure performance of the actions?
What behaviors favorably influence the measures?

(note: it may help to consider the technological solutions that were ultimately implemented and work backwards to the questions)


4. What forms of resistance do you think the CIO faced when implementing the IT strategy?