In this assignment, you will complete a questionnaire to provide…

In this assignment, you will complete a questionnaire to provide some insight on your Servant Leadership Orientation. It is not intended to capture fully accurate results. Please do not report or share your actual numeric score with the instructor

To approximate your Servant Leadership Orientation, answer the questions in “Leader’s Self Insight 6.2”.
Score your responses according to the instructions.
In a MS Word document, write one paragraph describing any insights you discovered about yourself and how you might use this information in future leader-follower relationships.

Instructions: Think about situations in which you were in a formal or informal leadership role in a
group or organization. Imagine using your personal approach as a leader. To what extent does each
of the following statements characterize your leadership? Please answer whether each item is
Mostly False or Mostly True for you.
1. My actions meet the needs of others before my own.
2. I explicitly enable others to feel ownership for their work.
3. I like to consult with people when making a decision.
4. I’m a perfectionist.
5. I like to be of service to others.
6. I try to learn the needs and perspectives of others.
7. I consciously utilize the skills and talents of others.
8. I am assertive about the right way to do things.
9. I give away credit and recognition to others.
10. I believe that others have good intentions.
11. I quickly inform others of developments that affect their work.
12. I tend to automatically take charge.
13. I encourage the growth of others, expecting nothing in return.
14. I value cooperation over competition to energize people.
15. I involve others in planning and goal setting.
16. I put people under pressure when needed.
Scoring and Interpretation
There are four subscale scores that represent four dimensions of leadership—authoritarian,
participative, stewardship, and servant. For each dimension below, give yourself one point for each
Mostly True response to the items indicated.
My leadership scores are:
Authoritarian, items 4, 8, 12, 16: Stewardship, items 3, 7, 11, 15:
Participative, items 2, 6, 10, 14: Servant, items 1, 5, 9, 13:
These scores represent the four aspects of leadership called authoritarian, participative,
stewardship, and servant as described in the text and illustrated in Exhibit 6.5. A score of 3-4 on any
of these dimensions would be considered above average, and a score of 0-1 is below average.
Compare your four scores to each other to understand your approach to stewardship and servant
leadership. On which of the four dimensions would you like to have the highest score? The lowest?
Study the specific questions on which you scored Mostly True or Mostly False to analyze your
pattern of strengths and weaknesses. It is not possible to display all four dimensions of leadership
simultaneously, so you should think about the dimension you want to emphasize to reflect your
leader ideal.