hernan22x Ikea Based on the pdf please answer these questions 1a) What….IkeaBased on the pdf please answer these questions1a) What. actions should Marianne Barner take regarding the IKEA supply contract .with Rangan Exports? 1b) If you are recommending that IKEA. continue to source carpets in India (from Rangan or some other supplier), 1c)would you suggest that .Marianne Barner continue IKEA’s own monitoring control processes or sign-up to Rugmark.?  2a) .What long-term strategy would you suggest she take regarding IKEA’s continued operation in India? 2b)Should the company stay or should it exit.? 2c).Describe the impact of such a decision and how would you manage it. Image transcription textIKEA’S Global Sourcing Challenge: Indian Rugs and Child Labor(A) In May 1995, Marianne Barner faced a tough decision. Afterjust two years with IKEA, the world’s largest furniture … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textforests of southern Sweden. Working out of the family kitchen, hesold goods such as fountain pens, cigarette ?ghters, and bindershe purchased from low—priced sources and then adve… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textlong—term relationship.a Beyond supply contracts andtechnology transfer, the relationship led LKEA to make loans to itssuppliers at reasonable rates, repayable through futur… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textexpanded beyond furniture to include a full line of homefurnishing products such as textiles, kitchen utensils, ?ooring,rugs and carpets, lamps, and plants. The Emerging Cult… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIn 1986, when Kamprad stepped down, Anders Moberg, acompany veteran who had once been Kamprad’s personalassistant, took over as president and CEO. But Kampr… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThese events prompted IKEA to address broader environmentalconcerns more directly. Since wood was the principal material inabout half of all IKEA products, forestry became a nat… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textwell—known Scandinavian company with extensive experience inproviding external monitoring of companies’ quality assuranceprograms and gave them the mandate not only to inve… Show more… Show more Image transcription textIndian carpet manufacturers and exporters and some IndianNGOs to develop a label certifying that the hand—knottedcarpets to which it was attached were made without t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textExhibit 1 IKEA Stores, Fiscal Year Ending August 1994 a.Historical Store Growth 1954 1964 1974 1984 1994 Number ofStores 0 2 9 52 114 b. Country’s First Store First Store… Show more… Show more Image transcription textExhibit 2 IKEA History: Selected Events Year Event 1943 IKEA isfounded. Ingvar Kamprad constructs the company name from hisinitials (Ingvar Kamprad), his home farm (Elmtaryd), an… Show more… Show more Image transcription textExhibit 3 “A Furniture Dealer’s Testament”—A SummarizedOverview In 1976, lngvar Kamp rad listed nine aspects of IKEAthat he believed formed the basis of the LKEA culture … Show more… Show more Image transcription textExhibit 4 IKEA in Figures, 1993-1994 (fiscal year ending August31, 1994) a. Sales Country/region SEK billion PercentageGermany 10.4 29.70% Sweden 3.9 11.20% Austria, Fr… Show more… Show more Image transcription textEndnotes This section draws on company histories detailed inBertil Torekull, “Leading by Design-The IKEA Story”(New York: Harper Business, 1998), and on the IKEA … Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other