I would appreciate your assistance with my international business…

I would appreciate your assistance with my international business project assignment. Could you please help me develop a research outline of 1000 words paragraph for my dissertation on Challenges and Opportunities of enter in the International market: From an Indian Market to British market? Here is the provided structure:


How should you structure your Research Outline?

The Research Outline should outline the preliminary plan for developing your Final Dissertation and identify the key literature, demonstrate knowledge of the chosen topic, and reflect on how the chosen methods may help you answer your research question and meet the aims and objectives of the research. You must state the identified knowledge gap by referring to the literature and explain how your research will help fill that knowledge gap (by answering your research question or questions) and contribute to the theory and practice of international business. Please note that the research must have a clear International Business focus. For a glossary of key terms – including research question, knowledge gap, theoretical/practical problem, and methods – and more detail on how you are expected to discuss these elements of your Research Outline, please see section 3. What is the meaning of key terms like research question and knowledge gap?

The recommended structure of the Research Outline consists of three sections: Aims of the research; Research question; and, Methods.


Aims of the research. This first section of your Research Outline should identify the areas of knowledge that your future dissertation contributes to advance. The section should illustrate at least two areas of knowledge, respectively on the practical problem of international business and the theoretical problem of international business that your dissertation is concerned with. After reading this section, your tutor (and any other academic involved in marking and evaluating your work) should have a very clear idea about the broader topic of your future dissertation, i.e. where it can be expected that the dissertation will contribute to the knowledge of international business. In illustrating both the practical and theoretical problem of international business, you must refer to and engage with the literature. The recommended length of this section is 250 words.


Research question. This second section of your Research Outline should start by identifying the research question that your future dissertation intends to answer. It should go beyond merely stating the research question and should elaborate on the following: the intellectual legitimacy of the research question; how the research question addresses a practical problem of international business; how the research question addresses a theoretical problem of international business; and, the intermediate steps to answering the research question in full. Illustrating the intellectual legitimacy of the research question can be done by identifying the knowledge gap and showing that the research question has not been already answered, while answering the question enables to make a meaningful contribution to the knowledge (both practical and theoretical) of international business. Discussing this contribution to the knowledge of international business requires showing how the practical problem of international business and the theoretical problem of international business addressed by the question are interrelated. This section should also identify and elaborate on the research objectives that the future dissertation intends to achieve. A mere list of research objectives will not suffice. After reading this section, your tutor (and other academics who may mark and evaluate your work) should have a very clear idea of how answering the research question will contribute to advance the knowledge (both practical and theoretical) of international business. They should also have a very clear idea of the objectives that need to be met (and the sub-questions that need to be answered) in order to answer the main research question. In elaborating on your research question (as well as the knowledge gap and the research objectives), you must refer to and engage with the literature. The recommended length of this section is 500 words.


Methods. This third section of your Research Outline should identify and discuss the methods of data collection and data analysis that will be used to answer the research question. There is no expectation at this stage for you to produce a fully developed methodology, nor to present the results of your data analysis with a discussion of findings. However, it is important that you specify your methods of data collection and analysis, discuss why their use is needed to answer the research question (this will require discussing the chosen research methods in relation to your choice of research design) and evaluate their manageability (how confident are you that the chosen methods will enable you to produce a meaningful answer in a timely fashion?). This section should also contain a discussion of the type of data that you need to collect and analyse to answer the research question. After reading this section, your tutor (and other academics who may mark and evaluate your work) should have a very clear idea of the concrete steps that you plan to take to collect and analyse the data with a view to answering the research question. In elaborating on your methods and data, you must refer to and engage with the literature on the merits and limitations of the chosen methods. The literature reviewed here may also contain examples of how the chosen methods have been used to answer similar research questions, or a discussion of why the chosen methods have not been used before to answer the chosen research question. The recommended length of this section is 250 words.