DoctorGuanacoMaster10 I have written some answers but need some help. The instructions…I have written some answers but need some help. The instructions for each specific question is written in bracket under the question. (case study article and assessment overview is attached at the bottom)  1. What are possible implications identified in the article, or identified in your research (from other articles you have read)?(I have written some answers according to the case study, can you help me justify them with research, or you can delete them and write others too. Generally, just add more information such as research. Should be about 25O words. )Reduced multilateral cooperation: The article suggests that the proliferation of free trade agreements (FTAs) undermines the multilateral trading system. This implies that countries engaging in bilateral or regional trade agreements may prioritize their own interests over global cooperation.Potential trade conflicts: The criticism of FTAs as protectionist may lead to trade tensions between countries that have signed these agreements. Countries that view FTAs as unfair or detrimental to their own industries may seek to impose trade barriers or renegotiate existing agreements, potentially escalating trade disputes.Impact on global trade rules: The critique of FTAs challenges the existing norms and principles of international trade. It raises questions about the future direction of trade policy and whether the multilateral system can effectively address the concerns raised by countries like the United States.   2. Is there any policy issue relating to International Trade that is important for the government(Australian or other) to review, update or change?(This is supposed to be solutions to the problems, or have to at least relate to the problems in some way. I have written some, but can you help me add more information such as by justifying them with research. You can delete them and add others too. Should be about 18O-2OO words.)Given the critique of FTAs in the article, an important policy issue for governments to consider is the review, update, or change of their approach to international trade agreements.  This could involve reassessing the benefits and drawbacks of FTAs, evaluating their impact on domestic industries and employment, and considering alternative trade frameworks that balance economic interests with concerns about fairness and protectionism.  Governments may also need to address the potential trade conflicts that arise due to differing perspectives on FTAs and work towards resolving disputes through negotiations or other diplomatic means. Image transcription textAssessment Overview: You are required to choose onenewspaper article (from amongst those uploaded to Canvas-Assignment 1 tab) and write a blog about that article. … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textDos and Don’ts (1) DO NOT simply copy and paste from othersources. Instead, you are required to demonstrate your ability toreflect and paraphrase what you have read/found fro… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textArticle S Free trade agreements are protectionist, Lighthizer saysHans van Leeuwen Europe correspondent Jul 10, 2020 – 4.38amLondon | US President Donald Trump’s trade envoy ha… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text”It’s almost like some kind of trade colonialism. Why is itthat they should have 77 people who they give better tariff ratesto than the rest of the people?” he said. “Y… Show more… Show more BusinessBusiness – Other